1274.01 Intent.
1274.02 Application of chapter; prohibited and nonconforming signs; signs in Harbour Town District.
1274.03 Definitions.
1274.04 General requirements for all districts.
1274.05 Signs not requiring permits; political signs.
1274.06 Prohibited signs.
1274.07 Legal nonconforming signs.
1274.08 Abandoned signs.
1274.09 Violations and appeals.
1274.10 Removal of signs by the City.
1274.11 Signs permitted in Agricultural and Residential Districts.
1274.12 Signs permitted in Commercial and Industrial Districts.
1274.13 Signs permitted in Flood Plain Districts.
1274.14 Signs in the Harbour Town Historic District.
1274.15 Administration and enforcement; authority of Building Inspector.
1274.16 Application for permit.
1274.17 Permit fees.
1274.18 Permit issuance and denials.
1274.19 Variances.
1274.20 Authority to revoke permits; permit expiration.
1274.21 Permit fee refunds.
1274.99 Penalty.
Signs on traffic control devices - see TRAF. 414.07
Signs on windshields - see TRAF. 438.23
Signs on wireless telecommunications towers and facilities - see
Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1280
Standard street sign - see P. & Z. Title 4, Appx. A
It is the intention of the City in setting forth requirements contained in this chapter to provide for reasonable and appropriate conditions for the advertising of goods and services rendered in the community, but at the same time to regulate such advertising so that lives, property values and amenities within the City will be preserved and protected.
(Ord. 89-8. Passed 12-4-89.)
(a) This chapter shall not relate to building design nor shall this chapter regulate the copy and message of signs or signs not intended to be viewed from a public right of way, window displays, product dispensers, point of purchase displays, scoreboards on athletic fields, flags of any nation, government or non-commercial organizations, grave stones, barber poles, religious symbols, commemorative plaques, display of house numbers, government signs or any display or construction not defined herein as a sign.
(b) Signs not specifically permitted in this chapter are prohibited. No signs shall be erected, placed, painted, repainted or hung in any district except as hereinafter provided. Every person shall, before erecting, placing, building, reconstructing, altering or moving any sign, obtain a building permit from the Building Inspector.
(c) Signs that are lawfully in existence prior to the adoption of this chapter that do not conform to this chapter may remain in use as provided in Section 1274.07.
(e) Within the Harbour Town Historic District, the provisions of Section 1274.14 shall also apply in addition to the other provisions of this chapter. An application for a sign to be erected, constructed or altered within the Harbour Town Historic District shall be reviewed by the Harbour Town Design and Review Board for an advisory design recommendation prior to issuance of a permit by the City Building Inspector. Design approval by the Review Board does not grant authority to construct the sign. A building permit must still be obtained through the Building Inspector. (Ord. 89-8. Passed 12-4-89.)