(a) Application for approval to locate towers, antennas, and related wireless telecommunications facilities shall be controlled as set forth for conditional use regulations, Section 1264.03(c), and the applicant/provider shall apply for a zoning certificate as set forth for zoning certificates and site plan requirements in Section 1262.07 of this Planning and Zoning Code. This requirement shall not apply to the co-usage of wireless telecommunications facilities and towers on City-owned property, as set forth in subsection (d) hereof.
(b) In addition to the requirements stated in subsection (a) hereof, the following shall be submitted in an application for approval.
(1) A written document certifying that the applicant is a wireless telecommunications service provider licensed by the FCC.
(2) A report from a certified, structural engineer which:
A. Describes the tower height and design, including a cross-section and elevation;
B. Documents the total tower height and its potential for mounting positions for co-located antennas, their minimum separation distances, and general ability for accommodating co-location;
C. Documents what steps the applicant will take to avoid interference with established public safety telecommunications;
D. Certifies that the tower is structurally sound and if it should fail, under what conditions it might fail, and the likely result thereof; and
E. Includes the structural engineer's stamp and registration number.
(3) For all commercial wireless telecommunications service providers, a letter of intent committing the provider or tower owner and his or her successors and assignees, to permit co-location if technically feasible, and if another provider agrees in writing to meet reasonable terms and conditions of co-location.
(4) A report from a certified electrical engineer or other professional having the expertise to attest to the electrical and radio frequency safety of an antenna receiving or transmitting radio waves associated with wireless telecommunications. Such report shall include a statement regarding levels of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER) pursuant to Section 1275.11 of this chapter by an individual qualified to make such statement. The qualifications of such individual shall be submitted in writing with the report.
(c) Because of the complex nature of the required reports and the need the several reviews by the City Engineer, the Chief Building Inspector, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals, outside consultants, and others as should become necessary, the normal deadlines imposed upon such City officials by other chapters of this Planning and Zoning Code shall not apply. The Planning Commission shall have 180 days from receipt of the initial, complete, application to take action on such.
(d) Co-usage by placement on City-owned property shall not be subject to the approval procedure as set forth in this section. All application requirements shall be the same and all shall be subject to administrative review and approval of a two-thirds majority vote of City Council.
(Ord. 99-46. Passed 10-24-99.)