The Building Inspector shall issue a permit for the erection, alteration, or relocation of a sign within ten working days after receipt of a valid application, provided that the sign complies with all regulations. Should a question on an application arise which is subject to interpretation, the more specific definition or higher standard will prevail.
   When a permit is denied, the applicant will be given a written notice with a brief explanation for denial of the permit. Such denial shall be submitted within ten working days after application.
   For situations requiring more time for study or other valid reasons, the City, by written notice to the applicant, may extend the reply time for an additional thirty calendar days.
   Should the City fail to reply within the times prescribed, the application will be considered approved as submitted.
   These time limits are not applicable if the subject is appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals or the City Planning Commission, whose own action deadlines shall then apply. Should the applicant feel that he or she has been unfairly denied a permit, he or she may appeal the denial to the City Board of Zoning Appeals, which will set an appropriate hearing date. A majority of the Board shall be required to override a denial.
(Ord. 89-8. Passed 12-4-89.)