(a)   Intent. In the creation of the Flood Plain District, it is the intent of the City to provide reasonable regulations for the development of areas designated as special flood hazard areas per the current Flood Insurance Study for the City of Vermilion.
(Ord. 2007-25. Passed 5-21-07.) 
   (b)   Permitted Uses. The following are permitted uses in the Flood Plain District:
      (1)   Agriculture and customary agricultural buildings, nurseries and greenhouses, provided that any building or enclosure in which animals are kept shall be at least 100 feet from any lot in a residential district or from any lot occupied by a dwelling, church or institution for human care.
      (2)   Out-of-doors or open recreational uses including public or private parks and playgrounds, golf courses, fishing lakes, boat docks and piers, but excluding amusement parks and race tracks.
      (3)   Boat sales and services and sale or leasing of boats and fishing equipment.
      (4)   Conservation and water impoundment uses.
      (5)   Archery range and miniature golf courses.
   (Ord. 71-85. Passed 12-29-71.)
   (c)   Conditional Uses.
      (1)   The following uses shall be deemed conditional uses in the Flood Plain District and shall be permitted as provided in Chapter 1264:
         A.   Bed and breakfasts, only in portions of such District that are also contained within the boundaries of the Harbour Town Historic District, as defined in Section 1224.03.  
            (Ord. 98-27. Passed 5-4-98.)
         B.   Wireless telecommunications towers and related wireless telecommunications facilities.
            (Ord. 99-46. Passed 10-24-99.)
      (2)   The following uses shall be deemed conditional uses in any Flood Plain District or portion thereof that is located solely within Erie County, and shall be permitted as provided in Chapter 1264:
         A.   Antiques shop.
         B.   Apparel store.
         C.   Bakery (goods for sale on premises only).
         D.   Bank (branch office).
         E.   Barber and beauty shops.
         F.   Bicycle repair shop.
         G.   Bookstore.
         H.   Cleaners and laundry (collection and distribution only, custom and self-service).
         I.   Clinics (medical and dental).
         J.   Dairy products store (no bottling or drive-in types permitted).
         K.   Delicatessen.
         L.   Drugstore.
         M.   Florist.
         N.   Food and grocery stores.
         O.   Gift shop.
         P.   Hardware store.
         Q.   Hotels and motels.
         R.   Jewelry store.
         S.   Museums.
         T.   Newsstand.
         U.   Novelty shop.
         V.   Offices, including professional offices.
         W.   Public service facilities.
         X.   Public uses.
         Y.   Real estate offices.
         Z.   Restaurants.
         AA.   Semi-public uses.
         BB.   Tailor shop, including pressing.
            (Ord. 99-30. Passed 6-28-99.)
   (d)   Prohibited Uses.
      (1)   All residential dwellings are prohibited uses in the Flood Plain District.
      (2)   Uses or processes which would affect an extensive area or be contrary to the public health and welfare in the City are prohibited in this and all other zoning districts. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, bituminous concrete manufacturing facilities, commonly known as "asphalt plants".
   (Ord. 98-87. Passed 3-1-99.)
      (3)   A storage unit facility used or intended for storage of personal property except by occupants of the premises in connection with their occupancy.
         (Ord. 2022-5. Passed 11-21-22.)
   (e)   Lot Area, Width and Yard Requirements.
      (1)   Lot area. Each use permitted shall be located on a lot of not less than one acre.
      (2)   Lot width. Each lot in a Flood Plain District which abuts a road shall have a minimum width of 150 feet.
      (3)   Yards. Each use permitted shall have a front, side and rear yard of not less than fifty feet. Where any side or rear yard abuts a residential district, such side or rear yard shall be no less than seventy-five feet.
   (f)   Signs. The provisions of Chapter 1274 shall apply in the Flood Plain District.
   (g)   Off-Street Parking Requirements. The provisions of Chapter 1276 shall apply in the Flood Plain District.
(Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66.)
   (h)   Flood Damage Reduction Requirements. All development in the Flood Plain District shall comply with the flood damage reduction requirements set forth in Chapter 1460.
(Ord. 2007-25. Passed 5-21-07.)
   (i)   Sexually Oriented Businesses and Sweepstakes Terminal Cafes Not Permitted. Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, no sexually oriented business, as defined in Chapter 1273, and no sweepstakes terminal cafes, as defined in Chapter 878 shall be permitted in the Flood Plain. (Ord. 2010-99. Passed 2-7-10.)
   (j)   Building Height. No building or structure shall exceed forty-five feet in height in a FP Flood Plain District, except as otherwise provided in this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 99-32. Passed 7-12-99.)