(a) Intent. The I-2 Heavy Industrial District is created for use in those areas of the City where it is deemed desirable to locate industries which have a large scale and extensive activity requiring more land, which create heavy traffic volumes and contain conditions which are not as compatible with other types of land uses. This District is intended to provide locations appropriate to the development of heavy industrial uses where adequate facilities and services can be provided. Districts regulations contained herein are for use only in those areas designated on the official Zoning Map as I-2.
(b) Permitted Uses.
(1) A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in an I-2 District.
A. Any use permitted in an I-1 or I-3 District.
B. Abrasives manufacturing; acetylene manufacturing; acetylene storage; acoustical material manufacturing; agricultural implements manufacturing; air-conditioning equipment (mass unit production); airplane manufacturing; aniline color or dye manufacturing; asbestos manufacturing; automobiles manufacturing.
C. Bag cleaning; bag jobbers (burlap); bags (burlap manufacturing); balls and bearings manufacturing; barrel manufacturing (wood); bathroom accessories manufacturing; beer (brewing); belting manufacturing; bleacheries (cloth processing); bleaching compound manufacturing; blueing manufacturing; boat manufacturing; boilers manufacturing; bottle manufacturing; bottlecaps and seals manufacturing; bottled gas manufacturing; bottled gas (storage and distribution); brake lining manufacturing; breweries; brushes manufacturing; burlap processing; business machines manufacturing; butane distributors; butter and cheese manufacturing; button manufacturing (metal, plastics). Candy manufacturing; candle manufacturing; cannery; canvas manufacturing; car manufacturing (railroad); carbide sales and distribution; carpet manufacturing; carriage and wagon manufacturing; carton manufacturing; casein manufacturing; cash registers manufacturing; cast iron pipe manufacturing; cattle shed; cement products manufacturing (blocks, pipe, etc.); cesspool, builders and service equipment; chalk manufacturing; charcoal manufacturing and pulverizing; cheese manufacturing; chocolate and cocoa products manufacturing; cider and vinegar manufacturing; clay products manufacturing; cloth, weaving and spinning; coal and coke yards; coffee roasting; concrete (bulk) manufacturing; condensed milk manufacturing; confectioners manufacturing; container (paper manufacturing); cooperageworks; cordage mill; cosmetics manufacturing; cotton seed products manufacturing; cotton spinning and weaving; crockery manufacturing.
D. Dairy equipment and supplies manufacturing; dairy products manufacturing; detergent manufacturing; diesel engines manufacturing; disinfectants manufacturing; distillers; doors (metal manufacturing); drugs manufacturing; dyeing (commercial bulk).
E. Electric equipment manufacturing (casting and molding); elevators (grain); elevators manufacturing; emery cloth and sandpaper manufacturing; enameling and painting (bulk production); engine manufacturing; envelope manufacturing; excelsior manufacturing; excelsior (storing and distribution, bulk); extrusion of metals.
F. Fabrics (weaving and spinning); feed (grains, manufacturing and processing); felt (building insulation manufacturing); felt (fabric manufacturing); fences (metal, fabrication and manufacturing); fire clay products manufacturing; fireproofing manufacturing; floor materials (linoleums) manufacturing; floor polish and wax manufacturing; flour and grain (storage and elevators); flour mills; forge plants; foundries; furniture (bulk manufacturing, metal, wood).
G. Gas tanks (illuminating); gasoline (bulk storage tanks); glass blowing (bulk processing); glass manufacturing (window and plate); glucose manufacturing; grain elevator; graphite manufacturing; grist mill; gums (wholesale processing); gutta-percha manufacturing.
H. Hair products factory; hat manufacturing; hose manufacturing; ice manufacturing; industrial truck body manufacturing; insecticides manufacturing; insulation materials manufacturing; japanning and shellacking works; jute mills; kerosene storage.
I. Lath manufacturing; lead manufacturing (see metals); lead (white) and oil manufacturing; leather goods manufacturing; leather findings; linen goods manufacturing (spinning, weaving); linoleum manufacturing; linseed oil manufacturing; liquor distilleries; locomotive manufacturing; luggage manufacturing; lumber (bulk processing).
J. Machine tools manufacturing; malt extracts manufacturing; marble (quarry processing); matches manufacturing (wholesale and storage); mattresses manufacturing; metal polish manufacturing; mills (flour and grain); mills (jute); millwork (woodworking) manufacturing; mirrors (bulk manufacturing); molasses manufacturing; monuments manufacturing.
K. Office furniture manufacturing; oil (fuel, storage); oil (vegetable, manufacturing and processing); oil burners manufacturing; oleomargarine manufacturing; organ manufacturing; ornamental metal work (mass production); oxygen production.
L. Packing and crating service (sawmill operations); paint shops, automobile (see auto repairs); paint and varnish manufacturing; paper products manufacturing (cartons, containers); pencil factory; perfumery manufacturing; petroleum storage (wholesale); pharmaceutical products; phonograph records manufacturing; piano manufacturing; pipe (metal, manufacturing); planing mill; plating works, bulk galvanizing; poultry feed manufacturing; printers' ink manufacturing; pumic manufacturing.
M. Rags, bulk collection and indoor storage; rags (processing); rope manufacturing; rubber products manufacturing; rubber products salvage; rubbish removal (private equipment and storage); rug manufacturing.
N. Salt manufacturing; sand and gravel (processing and storage); sandpaper manufacturing; sauerkraut manufacturing; sausage manufacturing; sawdust manufacturing; sawmill; seed treatment (processing, extraction of oil); septic tanks (servicing and cleaning equipment yard); sewer pipe manufacturing (tile and terra cotta); sewer service (equipment yard); shell grinding; shellac manufacturing; shingle manufacturing; shoddy manufacturing; shoe blackening manufacturing; silk manufacturing; size manufacturing; snuff manufacturing; soap manufacturing; soda ash manufacturing; soda compound manufacturing; soot blower manufacturing; soy bean oil manufacturing; spices (processing); spinning mill; springs (metal, manufacturing); stair builders (metal); steel fabrication; steel tank manufacturing; stone crushing; stone cutting and screening; stove polish manufacturing; stoves and ranges manufacturing; structural steel manufacturing; sugar refining, sweeping compound manufacturing; syrup and preserve manufacturing.
O. Tank fabrication; tea and spice packing; terra cotta manufacturing; textile mills; tile manufacturing (decorative); tile manufacturing (structural); time records machines manufacturing; tin products manufacturing; tinfoil manufacturing; tire manufacturing; tobacco (chewing, manufacturing or treatment); tombstone manufacturing; trailer manufacturing; turpentine manufacturing; varnish manufacturing; vinegar manufacturing.
P. Wagon manufacturing; wall board manufacturing; washing powder manufacturing; washing soda manufacturing; waste paper products manufacturing; waterproofing materials manufacturing; waterproofing treatment and manufacturing; wax processing, waxed container manufacturing; weaving mills; wines (distillation); wire rope and fencing fabrication; wood products manufacturing (bulk); woodworking (sawmill, bulk, processing); wool processing, wool scouring or pulling; wool spinning and weaving; worsted goods manufacturing; woven goods manufacturing (mills); wrecking contractors' yards; yeast cultivation (bulk).
Q. Other uses of a like nature, as approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with the City Charter.
(Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66.)
R. Sexually oriented business as defined in Chapter 1273, provided it complies with the requirements of said chapter.
(Ord. 98-34. Passed 6-15-98.)
(2) The following uses shall be deemed conditional uses in an I-2 District and shall be permitted upon recommendation by the City Planning Commission and upon the issuance of a permit therefor by the Board of Zoning Appeals, subject to the following conditions and such other conditions as the Board of Zoning Appeals may require:
A. The slaughtering and packing of animals and meat products.
B. Explosive or gunpowder manufacture.
C. Fertilizer manufacture.
D. Airplane landing fields, hangars and accessory uses.
E. Dumping, storing, burying, reducing, disposing of or burning garbage, refuse, scrap metal, rubbish, offal or dead animals, except as a result from the normal use of premises, unless such dumping is done at a place provided by Council for such specific purposes.
F. Other uses of a like nature which by the emission of dust, odor, gas or other substance require special treatment in order to be compatible with other uses.
(Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66.)
G. Wireless telecommunications towers and related wireless telecommunications facilities.
(Ord. 99-46. Passed 10-24-99.)
(c) Prohibited Uses. Uses or processes which would affect an extensive area or be contrary to the public health and welfare in the City are prohibited in this and all other zoning districts. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, bituminous concrete manufacturing facilities, commonly known as "asphalt plants".
(Ord. 98-87. Passed 3-1-99.)
(d) Building Height. No building or structure shall exceed sixty feet in height in an I-2 District, except as otherwise provided in this Zoning Code.
(e) Lot Area, Width and Yard Requirements.
(1) Lot area and width. There shall be no requirements for lot area or width in an I-2 District, except that required for the appropriate use plus areas hereinafter required for yards and necessary parking.
(2) Yards required. Yards of the following widths or depths shall be provided for all uses, unless otherwise provided by this Zoning Code:
A. Front yards. The depth of the front yard shall be not less than 100 feet, except as otherwise provided by this Zoning Code.
B. Side yards. There shall be a minimum side yard on each side of any building or structure of twenty-five feet measured from the side lot line to the nearest building or structure. Where such use abuts a residential district, there shall be a side yard clearance of 150 feet on the side abutting such district.
C. Rear yards. There shall be a minimum rear yard of twenty-five feet. Where a rear yard abuts a residential district, such yard shall be a minimum of 150 feet.
(f) Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements. The provisions of Chapter 1276 shall apply in the I-2 District.
(h) Percentage of Lot Coverage. Buildings, together with their accessory uses in an I-2 District, shall cover not more than seventy-five percent of the area of the lot. (Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66.)