(a) Intent. It is the intent of the City, in the creation of the B-2 District and its appurtenant regulations, to provide retailing, parking, personal and business services of all kinds to satisfy the needs of the residents of the entire City and its trade area.
(Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66.)
(b) Permitted Uses. No land shall be used or occupied and no structure shall be designed, erected, altered or used except for either one or several of the following permitted uses or for one or several of the following conditional uses:
(1) The following may be operated as permitted uses:
Antique store;
Apparel and accessories store.
Art Store.
Assisted Living.
Bait sales.
Banks (see loan and finance offices).
Barber shop.
Beauty shop.
Bed and breakfast (only in portions of such District that are also contained within the boundaries of the Harbour Town Historic District, as defined in Section 1224.03).
Bicycle shop.
Boat and Marine sales.
Business or trade schools.
Bus stop.
Camera and photographic equipment supply stores.
Candy, nut and confectionery store.
Clinic, dental or medical.
Convenient Food store.
Consignment store (apparel and household goods).
Copy shop.
Dance studio.
Department store (size limitation).
Dinner Theatre.
Drug store (size limitation).
Dry cleaning (custom and self-service.)
Eating place (bar, cocktail lounge, grill, restaurant).
Electronics store (computers, etc.).
Farmer's Market.
Florist shop.
Food Market/Specialty.
Funeral home.
Furniture, household furnishings.
Garden supplies store.
Gift shop.
Hardware and sporting goods.
Health Spa.
Hobby shop.
Hotels and motels (size limitation).
House of Worship.
Ice Cream shop.
Jewelry store.
Laundry (custom and self-service).
Lighting fixture sales.
Liquor store (sale by package only).
Loan and finance offices (see banks).
Luggage store.
License bureau.
Music store (pianos, radio & tv).
Newspaper publishing.
Offices (any office in which chattels or goods, wares or merchandise are not commercially created, exchanged or sold).
Office supply store (size limitation).
Optician and optometrist shops.
Paint and wallpaper store, art supplies.
Parking lots and/or structures either publicly or privately owned and operated.
Plumbing and heating shops, supplies (enclosed storage only).
Post office.
Professional services.
Pressing, altering and repair of wearing apparel.
Printing and publishing, including processes related thereto.
Private clubs and lodges, YMCA, commercial recreation, fraternal societies.
Public utilities offices.
Repair, rental, servicing of any product the sale of which product is permitted in this district.
Re-sale shops (used clothing, furniture).
Shoe store (sales, repair).
Sign painting shops.
Surgical supplies store.
Taxi stands.
Telephone exchange and offices.
Television (sales, service).
Theaters, theatrical studios.
Toy store.
Travel agencies.
Variety, notions store.
War surplus stores.
Wine shop/and or tasting bar.
Any other retail business or service establishment or use which is determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals to be of the same general character as the above permitted uses.
The sale at wholesale or warehousing of any commodity, the use or processing of which is permitted in this district.
(Ord. 2011-35. Passed 6-20-11.)
(2) The following uses shall be deemed conditional uses and upon favorable recommendation by the Planning Commission, a permit therefor may be issued by the Board of Zoning Appeals as provided in Chapter 1264:
A. Automobile service station and/or public parking garage provided that:
1. Premises used for such purposes shall not have an entrance or exit for motor vehicles within 200 feet from any place of public assembly, including any hospital, sanitarium or institution. Such measurement shall be along the usual line of street travel.
2. The building used for such purposes shall not be nearer than fifty feet from any residential district.
3. Any minor automobile repair work, as defined in this Zoning Code, shall be done within the principal building on the premises.
4. No overnight or weekend outside storage of trucks, trailers and/or tractors shall be permitted on the premises, and no partially dismantled, wrecked or junked vehicles shall be stored for more than a total of eight hours outside the buildings on the premises.
5. When such use abuts the side and/or rear line of a lot in any residential district, a compact evergreen hedge, solid wall or painted board fence not less than five feet high shall be maintained at the property line.
(Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66.)
B. Automobile new car sales, automobile used car sales, truck and trailer display, hire, sales, wash and repair, provided all operations, other than display and sales, shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building. Buildings used for repair and washing operations, if less than fifty feet from any residential district, shall have no openings adjoining such district other than stationary windows or required fire exits.
(Ord. 2009-11. Passed 4-6-09.)
C. Residential uses.
D. Accessory uses, provided such uses are clearly incidental, customary to and commonly associated with the operation of the permitted use.
(Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66.)
E. Wireless telecommunications towers and related wireless telecommunications facilities.
(Ord. 99-46. Passed 10-24-99.)
(c) Prohibited Uses. Uses or processes which would affect an extensive area or be contrary to the public health and welfare in the City are prohibited in this and all other zoning districts. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, bituminous concrete manufacturing facilities, commonly known as "asphalt plants".
(Ord. 98-87. Passed 3-1-99.)
(1) A storage unit facility used or intended for storage of personal property, excepting therefrom multiple storage structures used by the owners or principal business tenant for mixed storage of their property or property of their annual or seasonal tenants.
(Ord. 2022-5. Passed 11-21-22.)
(d) Building Height. No permitted building or structure hereafter erected or structurally altered shall exceed, in height, three times the horizontal distance from the centerline of the street to such structure.
(e) Lot Area, Width and Yard Requirements.
(1) Lot area and width.
A. No minimum lot area or width shall be required for nonresidential purposes.
B. Where residential uses are permitted, the lot area and width requirements shall be such as the Board of Zoning Appeals may require.
(2) Yards. Yards of the following depths or widths shall be provided for all permitted uses in a B-2 District unless otherwise permitted by this Zoning Code:
A. Front yards. The depth of the front yard shall not be less than seventy-five feet.
B. Rear yards. The depth of the rear yard shall not be less than fifty feet.
C. Side yards. There shall be no side yard requirements for lots in a B-2 District except as otherwise provided herein:
1. When a use in a B-2 District adjoins any residential District, a side yard shall be provided on such adjoining side of not less than one-half the height of the building, but not less than fifteen feet in any case.
2. A side yard shall be provided for a corner lot equal to the depth of the front yard.
3. Yard requirements for residential uses in a B-2 District shall be such as the Board of Zoning Appeals may require.
(f) Percentage of Lot Coverage. There shall be no percentage of lot coverage requirements for buildings or uses in a B-2 District, except such requirements as may be provided by the Board of Zoning Appeals for buildings housing residential uses.
(g) Permitted Signs. The provisions of Chapter 1274 shall be in full force and effect in the B-2 District.
(h) Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements. The provisions of Chapter 1276 shall be in full force and effect in the B-2 District.
(Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66.)
(i) Sexually Oriented Businesses and Sweepstakes Terminal Cafes Not Permitted. Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, no sexually oriented business, as defined in Chapter 1273, and no Sweepstakes Terminal Cafes, as defined in Chapter 878 shall be permitted in the B-2 Central Business District.
(Ord. 2010-98. Passed 2-7-10.)