(a)   Intent. It is the intent of the City, in the creation of the R-3 Suburban Residence District, to provide for areas of medium residential density where such areas exist at the time of the enactment of this Zoning Code (Ordinance 66-103, passed December 19, 1966) and where such areas may be desired thereafter. Cluster subdivisions, subject to Chapter 1278, are a permitted use in this District.
   (b)   Permitted Uses.
      (1)   In an R-3 Suburban Residence District, no land shall be used or occupied and no structure shall be designed, erected, altered or used except for either one or several of the following uses:
         A.   Single-family residences.
         B.   Schools and other public uses.
         C.   Churches.
         D.   Customary accessory uses.
      (2)   The following uses shall be deemed conditional uses in an R-3 District and shall be permitted as provided in Chapter 1264:
         A.   Cluster subdivisions, as provided in Chapter 1278.
         B.   Institutional uses.
         C.   Golf courses, except miniature courses and practice driving ranges operated for commercial purposes.
         D.   Agriculture, providing all stables and manure piles are not less than 100 feet from any lot line.
            (Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66; Ord. 99-45. Passed 9-22-99.)
         E.   Wireless telecommunications towers and related wireless telecommunications facilities.
            (Ord. 99-46. Passed 10-24-99.)
   (c)   Prohibited Uses.
      (1)   Uses or processes which would affect an extensive area or be contrary to the public health and welfare in the City are prohibited in this and all other zoning districts. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, bituminous concrete manufacturing facilities, commonly known as "asphalt plants".
         (Ord. 98-87. Passed 3-1-99.)
      (2)   No building or structure, except a principle residence, shall be built or erected on any vacant lot within the district.
         (Ord. 2009-51. Passed 7-27-09.)
      (3)   A storage unit facility used or intended for storage of personal property other than property of the current lawful residents or owners of the principal residences thereon.
         (Ord. 2022-5. Passed 11-21-22.)
   (d)   Building Height. No building or structure in an R-3 District shall exceed thirty feet in height except as otherwise provided in this Zoning Code.
   (e)   Lot Area, Width and Yard Requirements.
      (1)   Lot area. Each dwelling, building or structure permitted herein shall be located on a lot having an area of not less than 11,250 square feet.
      (2)   Lot width. Each lot in an R-3 District shall contain a width of not less than seventy-five feet.
      (3)   Yards. Yards of the following minimum depths or widths shall be provided in an R-3 District:
         A.   Front yard. The depth of the front yard shall be not less than thirty feet measured from the right-of-way line of the road.
         B.   Rear yard. A rear yard of not less than forty feet in depth shall be provided.
         C.   Side yard. Each lot or parcel of land shall be provided with two side yards, the sum of which shall be not less than sixteen feet in width and neither of which shall be less than eight feet.
   (f)   Permitted Signs. The provisions of Chapter 1274 shall be in force and effect in the R-3 District.
   (g)   Off-Street Parking Requirements. The provisions of Chapter 1276 shall be in force and effect in the R-3 District.
   (h)   Density Limitation. The residential density shall not exceed 3.2 families per acre excluding street right of way.
(Ord. 66-103. Passed 12-19-66.)
   (i)   Supplemental Regulations.
      (1)   Living area. The living area of a dwelling unit (DU) for determining space standards means the total floor area, measured at the outside enclosing wall of the dwelling, exclusive of any basement, garage, breezeway, storage areas (external to livable area), or any type of porch or balcony. It shall include such areas as may be located on upper floors and which are directly connected to the livable ground floor area by a permanent stairway. For one and two-family dwellings, the livable area shall be measured from the exterior face of the enclosing walls and from the center of the common walls.
Dwelling Unit Type
Livable Area (sq. ft. per DU)
Single Floor
Single-family dwelling
      (2)   Garages. All residences shall include an enclosed garage (either attached or detached) of not less than 200 square feet in area and ten feet in width.
         (Ord. 90-52. Passed 11-19-90.)
      (3)   Driveways. Driveways shall be hard-surfaced with a minimum width of ten feet extending from the garage entrance to the street. Any driveway that travels through the City right-of-way shall do so within the boundary lines of the property it serves.
         (Ord. 2011-83. Passed 11-21-11; Ord. 2020-35. Passed 10-26-20.)
      (4)   Architectural design. In subdivisions, no residence shall be constructed or placed on any sublot having    substantially the same exterior appearance as the residence constructed on either sublot adjacent thereto as determined by the Chief Building Inspector.
      (5)   Enforcement. Regulations contained in this section shall be enforceable in all R-3 Districts, whether in existing subdivisions or elsewhere, from and after the date of this subsection.
   (Ord. 90-52. Passed 11-19-90.)