Minimum Standards for Continued Use of Existing Buildings
151.01 Finding; purpose
151.02 Definitions
151.03 Fitness for human habitation or use
151.04 Structural conditions
151.05 Basic plumbing, heating and electrical equipment
151.06 Safe and sanitary maintenance
151.07 Control of insects, rodents and infestations
151.08 Responsibilities of owner and occupants
151.09 Building Inspector; powers and duties
151.10 Inspections; duties of owner and occupants
151.11 Procedure for enforcement
151.12 Complaints and orders; methods of service
151.13 In rem action by Inspector; placarding
151.14 Cost; lien on premises
151.15 Alternative remedies
151.16 Conflicts with other provisions
151.17 Violation
151.18 Effective date
151.99 Penalty