(A)   Purpose.
      (1)   The purpose of the I-2 District is to provide for light and general industrial uses with similar service needs within areas of the county which are or will be compatible with adjacent development.
      (2)   The areas shall maintain high performance standards for light and general industrial uses and shall coordinate site and building design through application of the site design review process.
   (B)   Permitted uses. In the I-2 District, the following uses shall be permitted subject to the standards and limitations set forth in division (F) below and pursuant to §§ 154.035 through 154.040 for site design review:
      (1)   All uses permitted in the I-1 District;
      (2)   Manufacture of machine tools, medical and dental equipment, electronic instruments, mobile homes, and food products that does not generate noxious odors;
      (3)   Farm, industrial or contractors equipment or materials manufacture, storage, sales, repair or service, including automobile repair garage;
      (4)   Warehousing, wholesale storage and distribution, and motor freight terminals contained only within a building;
      (5)   Fruit, nut or vegetable packing, processing warehousing or cold storage operations;
      (6)   Winery;
      (7)   Veterinary hospital;
      (8)   Accessory uses;
      (9)   (a)   Temporary structures as may be required during construction of an authorized permanent structure.
         (b)   The temporary structure shall be removed upon final inspection of the permanent structure by the Building Inspector;
      (10)   Community or municipal water supply system;
      (11)   Community or municipal sewer system;
      (12)   Public facilities;
      (13)   Signs, pursuant to the sign provisions set forth in § 154.166;
      (14)   Dwelling for a caretaker or watchman in conjunction with permitted use. If a dwelling is a mobile home it shall, in addition to the requirements of this section, also be subject to the mobile home standards set forth in § 154.172; and
      (15)   Similar uses similar in character, scale and performance, or with similar noise, odor, traffic, air and water quality impacts on neighboring properties.
   (C)   Conditional uses. In the I-2 District pursuant to the Type B application procedure set forth in § 154.076, and subject to the conditional use review criteria listed in § 154.057, and subject to §§ 154.035 through 154.040 for site design review and any other applicable criteria established by this chapter, the following uses may be allowed conditionally:
      (1)   Utility facility, with the exception of energy generation facilities, subject to §§ 154.035 through 154.040 for site design review; and
      (2)   Similar uses similar in character, scale and performance, or with similar noise, odor, traffic, air and water quality impacts on neighboring properties.
   (D)   Prohibited uses. Uses of land and water not specifically mentioned in this section, and not allowed as a similar use, are prohibited in the I-2 District.
   (E)   Non-conforming uses. Non-conforming uses found in the I-2 District are subject to the non-conforming use provisions of § 154.059 as well as to any other applicable provisions of this chapter.
   (F)   Standards and limitations. In the I-2 District, the following standards and limitations shall apply:
      (1)   Parcel size and dimension.
         (a)   Minimum parcel size. The minimum parcel size for any use shall be 2 acres.
         (b)   Depth-to-width ratio. The maximum depth-to-width ratio for any newly-created parcel shall be 3 to 1.
      (2)   Setbacks. The minimum setback for all yards shall be 30 feet for all uses, except as provided for accessory uses in division (7) below.
      (3)   Parcel coverage. The maximum parcel coverage shall be 30% for any use.
      (4)   Access. Before a dwelling may be established on any lot or parcel as provided in this section, the parcel shall have a legal, safe and passable means of access by butting at least 40 feet either directly upon a public road, or by a private easement which is at least 40 feet in width for its entire length and which also abuts upon a public road for at least 40 feet. Nothing in this section shall be construed to vary or waive the requirements for creation of new access contained in any other ordinance legally adopted by Valencia County.
      (5)   Clear-vision areas.
         (a)   A clear-vision area shall be maintained on the corner of any parcel at the intersection of any 2 of the following: county roads; public roads; private roads serving 4 or more parcels; and railroads.
         (b)   A clear-vision area shall contain no sight-obscuring structures or planting exceeding 30 inches in height within a triangle formed by the projected intersection of the right-of-way or public road easement on the lot corner nearest the intersection, and the 2 points 20 feet from this corner as measured along the parcel lines adjacent to the intersecting rights-of-way.
         (c)   Trees exceeding this height may be located so that their branches extend into this triangle, provided they are maintained to allow at least 12 feet of visual clearance within the triangle below the lowest hanging branches.
      (6)   Height.
         (a)   The maximum building height for any dwelling shall be 45 feet; and
         (b)   Appurtenances usually required to be placed above the roof level and not intended for human occupancy such as spires, belfries, cupolas, antennas, water tanks, ventilators, chimneys and wind generators are not subject to the height limitations of this chapter.
      (7)   Accessory uses. An accessory use shall comply with the standards and limitations for principal uses except as follows:
         (a)   Structures.
            1.   No separate accessory structure shall be erected within 25 feet of any other building on the same parcel.
            2.   An accessory structure not more than 25 feet in height, at least 60 feet from a road, and at least 25 feet from any dwelling, may be located a minimum distance of 25 feet from the property line in a side yard or rear yard.
         (b)   Fences, walls and hedges. Fences, walls and hedges may be permitted in any required yard or along the edge of any yard, subject to the clear-vision requirements of § 154.106(F)(5).
      (8)   Off-street parking. Off-street parking and loading requirements for any use in the I-2 District shall be as provided in § 154.174.
      (9)   Landscaping. Landscaping shall be required in conformance with § 154.167 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2004-05, passed 9-15-2004; Am. Ord. 06, passed 9-15-2004; Am. Ord. 2006-06, passed 6-16-2006) Penalty, see § 154.999