(a)   When the Director determines that a vacancy exists or is anticipated in an authorized position in the classified service, and no valid eligibility list exists for such position, the Director shall notify the Municipal Civil Service Commission of such vacancy or anticipated vacancy. Upon receipt of the notice, the Commission shall conduct an examination to create an eligibility list for such position.
   (b)   For all examinations, except promotional examinations, the Director shall announce the position and the date, time, location and type of examination by placing an advertisement in a local newspaper of general circulation and in other publications as necessary for three successive weeks.
   (c)   Each classification for which a test is to be given shall be advertised in a separate announcement.
   (d)   Notification of the examination shall also be sent to all City departments and posted in a conspicuous location in the Municipal Building.
   (e)   Subject to the approval of the Commission, the Director may announce a combined open and promotional examination when three or less qualified promotional candidates are available for an examination. The advertisement shall be advertised as provided above. Promotion of full-time sworn officers in the Police and Fire Divisions shall be made only as specified in Section 149.17.
(1984 Code Sec. 35.24)