(a)   Animal Pound. The Dog Warden shall provide a suitable place; either within or outside the corporate limits, for the keeping of impounded dogs in a humane manner and the making of proper provision for the feeding and care of such dogs.
   (b)   Duty to Impound: Registry. The Dog Warden or any police officer shall apprehend any dog found running at large and shall impound or cause to be impounded such dog in the City pound or other suitable place. The Dog Warden, upon receiving any dog, shall make a complete registry, entering the breed, color and sex of the dog and whether licensed. If licensed he or she shall enter the name and address of the owner and the number of the license tag.
(Ord. 55-35. Passed 5-2-1955.)
   (c)   Notice to Owner and Redemption. Not later than two days after the impounding of any dog, the owner shall be notified, or if the owner of the dog is unknown, written notice shall be posted for three days on the bulletin board in the main lobby of the Police Building in the City, describing the dog and the time and place of taking. The owner of any dog so impounded may reclaim such dog upon presentation of a dog license or tag if the dog was unlicensed or untagged, and upon the payment of an impounding fee of $20.00 ($50.00 on a subsequent impounding of the same dog) plus boarding charges at the rate of $10.00 per day.
(Ord. 81-5. Passed 1-5-1981; Ord. 2009-03. Passed 1-5-2009.)
   (d)   Disposition of Dogs. Any dog which has been seized by the Dog Warden and impounded shall be kept, housed and fed for three days. At the expiration of such time, unless previously redeemed by the owner thereof, such animal shall be surrendered to the County Dog Pound.
   (e)   Records and Receipts. A record of all dogs impounded, the disposition of the same, the owner's name and address, where known, and a statement of impounding fees and costs assessed against such dogs shall be kept by the Dog Warden and he or she shall furnish a copy thereof to the Director of Finance of the City and shall turn over all moneys received by him or her to the Director of Finance.
   (f)   Confinement of Certain Dogs. Any dog of fierce, dangerous or vicious propensities found running at large shall be taken up and impounded and shall not be released except upon approval of the Mayor, after payment of the impounding fee and costs as provided in division (c) hereof. However, if any dangerous, fierce or vicious dog so found at large cannot be safely taken up and impounded, such dog may be slain by any police officer.
(1982 Code, § 505.02) (Ord. 55-35. Passed 5-2-1955.)