(a)   No person shall harbor, maintain or control a wild, dangerous or undomesticated animal within the City.
   (b)   A "wild, dangerous or undomesticated animal" is an animal whose natural habitat is the wilderness and which, when maintained in human society, is usually confined to a zoological park or exotic animal farm and which:
      (1)   Is a poisonous or venomous animal or snake, or a snake that is a constrictor; or
      (2)   Is an omnivorous or carnivorous animal weighing more than twenty pounds and which is a predator in its natural habitat;
      (3)   Is an animal which, by reason of its size, strength or appetite, if unrestrained and free in the City, could cause peril to children, adults, pets or other domesticated animals, buildings, landscaping or personal property;
      (4)   Is an animal which makes noise with sufficient frequency and volume a to constitute a nuisance to persons in the vicinity of such animal;
      (5)   Is an animal which emits such offensive odors as to constitute a nuisance to persons in the vicinity of such animal; or
      (6)   Is, by way of illustration and without limitation, one of the following: an ape: chimpanzee (Pan), gibbon (Hylobate), gorilla (Gorilla), orangutan (Pongo), siamang (Symphalangus), baboon (Papio or Mandrillus); bear (Ursidae), bison (Bison), boar (Suidae), cheetah (Acinonyx Jubatus), crocodilian (Crocodilia), coyote (Cams Latrans), deer (Cervidae - includes all members of the deer family; for example, white-tailed deer, elk, antelope and moose), elephant (Elephas or Loxodonta), game cocks and other fighting birds, hippopotamus (Hippopotarnidae), hyena (Hyaenidae), jaguar (Panthers Onca), leopard (Panthers Pardus), lion (Panthers Leo), lynx (Lynx), monkey (Cercopithecidae - old world), ostrich (Struthio), piranha fish (Charactdae), puma (Felis Concolor - also known as cougar, mountain lion and panther), rhinoceros (Rhinocerotidae), shark (Class Chondrichthyes), snow leopard (Panthers Uncia), tiger (Panthers Tigris) and wolf (Canis Lupus).
   (c)   If any part of division (b) hereof, or the application thereof to any person shall be held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or application of the remaining parts of division (b) which shall be given effect without the invalid provisions or application and, to that end, the divisions of this section are declared to be severable.
   (d)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Each day during which such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense.
(1982 Code, § 505.22) (Ord. 84-57. Passed 10-15-1984.)