General Provisions
92.01 Adoption of Oregon Fire Code; enforcement; effective date
Burning Regulations
92.15 Definitions
92.16 General regulations and prohibitions
92.17 Open burning allowed conditionally
92.18 Burning permits
92.19 Revocation of permits
92.20 Right of entry
92.21 Responsibility; penalties; enforcement
92.22 Abatement and assessment of costs
92.23 Discontinuance
92.24 Use of wood stoves restricted
92.25 Explosives storage
92.26 Liquified gas storage
92.27 Traffic and water control; reporting
92.28 Modification
92.29 Appeals
Public Fire and Safety Surcharge
92.40 Purpose and intent
92.41 Definitions
92.42 Imposition of fire protection surcharge
92.43 Dedication of funds
92.44 Collection
92.45 Program administration
92.46 Appeal process
92.47 Enforcement
(A) The 2010 Oregon Fire Code promulgated by the Oregon State Fire Marshal is hereby adopted as if fully set forth herein.
(B) The City of Union Fire Chief, or the Fire Chief’s designee, shall be the “Fire Code Official” referred to in the Oregon Fire Code. However, the provisions of this Chapter 92, and all codes, laws, and regulations adopted by reference herein, may be enforced by the Union City Council or its designee, any peace officer or constable hired by the city, any member of any police agency with which the city contracts for police services, the Union Fire Chief or his or her designee, and any other city official given general ordinance enforcement duties by the city.
(C) Because the provisions of this chapter are necessary to protect the health and safety of the citizens of Union, this chapter shall take effect immediately following its adoption by the City Council.
(Ord. 543, passed 11-10-2014; Ord. 547, passed 4-13-2015)