Licensing of Dogs and the Control of Dogs and Livestock
91.01 Delegation of authority and adoption of fees
91.02 Definitions
91.03 Provision of animal control services
91.04 Licensing
91.05 Kennel licensing
91.06 Rabies control; bite quarantine
91.07 Public nuisance
91.08 Dog at large
91.09 Impoundment
91.10 Animal cruelty; in addition to O.R.S. Chapter 167
91.11 Animal abandonment
91.12 Identification and classification of dangerous or aggressive dogs
91.13 Notification to owner of dangerous or aggressive dogs
91.14 Regulation of dangerous or aggressive dogs
91.15 Appeal procedures for aggressive and dangerous dogs
91.16 Cost of injured animals or carcass removal
91.17 Keeping of wild and exotic animals
91.18 Dangerous animals
91.99 Penalty
Animals, see Chapter 131
(A) the City of Union hereby delegates to Union County, full authority and responsibility to administer and enforce this subchapter. References in this chapter to “Sheriff’, “Deputy”, “Enforcement Officer”, “County Animal Control Services”, “Animal Control Division”, County Hearings Section, Justice Court, Hearings Officer, and “County Health Officer” shall be references to those persons and entities of Union County.
(B) The City of Union hereby delegates to the Union County Justice Court the court functions and duties provided for such Court as set forth in this chapter.
(C) The licenses required by this chapter shall be issued by Union County.
(D) Notwithstanding provisions within this chapter for the adoption by resolution of fees, penalties, fines, deposits, and, assessments (collectively referred to in this division as “fees”), the City of Union hereby adopts as initial fees, those which are referred to in this chapter. Fees which are referred to but are not stated in a dollar amount are hereby initially set at the amount currently adopted by the Union County Board of Commissioners. Such initial fees may be amended by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 524, passed 9-13-2010)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ADULT DOG. Any dog having a set of permanent canine teeth, or past the age of six months.
ANIMAL. Any member of the classes of reptiles, birds or mammals except man.
ANIMAL SHELTER. A facility which is used to house or contain stray, homeless, abandoned or unwanted animals, and which is owned, operated or maintained by a public body, an established humane society, animal welfare society, or a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, or other nonprofit or profit organization devoted to the welfare, protection, and humane treatment of animals. Management policy will determine animals to be accepted at the ANIMAL SHELTER.
AT LARGE. Any dog off the premises of the owner and not under the control of either the owner or a person authorized by the owner.
COMPANION ANIMAL. Any animal kept for pleasure rather than utility; an animal of a species that has been bred and raised to live in or about the habitation of humans and is dependent on people for food and shelter.
DANGEROUS DOG. See § 91.12.
ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. An employee or a designee of the county hired for the purpose of enforcing this chapter and any state or federal regulations that may be applicable.
KENNEL. A private residence with four or more adult dogs.
LAWFUL. In regard to herding, hunting, competition or training, means to be engaged in such activity on the property of another by permission, or on public land that is set aside and/or open for such use.
LEASH. A cord, thong, or chain not more than eight feet in length by which an animal is physically controlled by the person accompanying it, and which is of a strength to restrain the animal.
LICENSE TAG or TAG. A pre-numbered identification license sold to an owner/custodian for a specific pet animal. Rabies identification or other identification may not be substituted or accepted in lieu of a LICENSE TAG.
LIVESTOCK. As defined by O.R.S. 609.125.
OWNER. Any person owning, keeping, harboring, caring for or having a right of possession to one or more dogs. For purposes of determining responsibility for dogs creating a nuisance, a dog shall be deemed to be harbored and owned if it is fed or sheltered for seven consecutive days or more. If a person decides to keep a stray, and the dog is old enough to be licensed, it shall be licensed within 30 days. In a family setting, the OWNER is presumed to be the head of the family or the person whose name appears on a license registration, a rabies vaccination form, or lacking other means of determination, the OWNER or leaseholder of the property where the dog is kept.
PERSON. Any individual, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity.
PUBLIC NUISANCE. Any dog that unreasonably annoys humans, endangers the life or health of other animals or persons, or substantially interfere with the rights of citizens, other than their owners, to enjoyment of life or property. The owner shall be personally liable for a dog that becomes a PUBLIC NUISANCE and shall be financially liable for actions of his or her dog.
RESTRAINT. Any dog secured by a leash or lead under the control of a responsible person and obedient to the person’s commands, or under competent voice control. RESTRAINT may include a pet carrier or other device sufficient to keep the dog from running at large.
UNDER CONTROL. The voice, signal or physical control so as to be restrained from approaching a bystander, from entering private property, and from causing damage to property. A dog is presumed not to have been under control if injury, damage or trespass has occurred.
VETERINARY HOSPITAL. An establishment maintained and operated by a licensed veterinarian for surgery, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals.
(Ord. 464, passed 10-12-1998; Ord. 524, passed 9-13-2010)