The following classes of officers and employees of the City of Union and city agencies shall file an annual statement of financial interests with the Board of Ethics:
(A) Elected city officials (required by KRS 65.003).
(B) Candidates for elected city office (required by KRS 65.003).
(C) Members of the city Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustment.
(D) City Administrator and City Clerk/Treasurer.
(E) Appointed members of the city’s Urban Renewal Agency.
(F) Members of the Board of Ethics created by this section.
(G) Non-elected officers and employees of the city or an city agency who are authorized to make purchases of materials or services, or award contracts, leases or agreements involving expenditure of more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) per purchase.
(H) Management personnel such as chief deputies and department heads.
(I) Members of boards and commissions which set tax rates, have procurement authority, or vote to adopt budget.
(Ord. 94-013, passed 12-12-94; Am. Ord. 95-002, passed 3-13-95; Am. Ord. 2006-004, passed 3-13-06) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Hiring members of immediate family is strongly discouraged. However, in those rare instances where it is beneficial to the city and/or office to hire a member of the immediate family, under no circumstances shall that person receive compensation, benefits or other job consideration not given to other employees of similar classification or job requirements. Also, for the member of the immediate family to be considered for employment, he/she must possess those qualifications required of other job applicants. If the hiring of a member of immediate family takes place, the Mayor shall notify the City Ethics Commission of his/her action.
(B) Any violation of this section shall be grounds for dismissal from employment of such immediate family member.
(Ord. 94-013, passed 12-12-94)
Attached to Ordinance No. 2004-004, passed July 12, 2004, and incorporated herein by reference is an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement authorized by KRS 65.210, et seq. which the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to sign on behalf of the city and the provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the Northern Kentucky Regional Ethics Authority and the Northern Kentucky Ethics Enforcement Committee according to the provisions thereof.
(Ord. 2004-004, passed 7-12-04)