   (A)   Defined. An infant includes any child under the age of three years old or under three feet in length.
   (B)   Location. Infants may be interred in one of two sections; Baby Section (smaller five x five foot graves) or in any available regular size grave in the cemetery.
   (C)   Interments. Only one interment shall be permitted per grave.
(Ord. 2010-07, passed 6-28-10) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Disinterments shall be performed on weekdays at the convenience of the Director or his or her designated representative. It is the responsibility of the mortuary or funeral home involved to contact all persons that could contest the disinterment prior to applying for a disinterment permit at the local County Health Department.
   (B)   A casket disinterment permit from the Coroner of Randolph County or a court order shall be presented to the Director or his or her designee prior to commencing work on the disinterment.
   (C)   No disinterment shall proceed without the presence of the following persons:
      (1)   Director of the Union City Cemetery or designated representative; Funeral Director;
      (2)   Any other person required under the disinterment permit.
   (D)   An ash disinterment does not require a permit or witnesses.
(Ord. 2010-07, passed 6-28-10) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 100.14 SECTIONS.
   The Park and Cemetery Advisory Board and Director or designated representative are authorized to designate sections of the cemetery grounds for specific purposes.
(Ord. 2010-07, passed 6-28-10)
   The Park and Cemetery Advisory Board and Director or designated representative may authorize the addition of new sections as funding becomes available and public interest directs.
(Ord. 2010-07, passed 6-28-10)