(A)    No person who owns, is the custodian of, or has control of any animal shall cause or permit such animal to go at large in any park. A dog may be brought into a park provided it is continuously restrained by a leash not exceeding six feet in length, except that no dog will be permitted in, upon, or on buildings, playgrounds, bathing areas, swimming pools, stands, concrete areas, seats, seating areas, sundecks adjacent to swimming pools, areas where food is purveyed, kept, or prepared, or other areas designated by signs as prohibited areas. Any animal found at large may be seized and impounded or disposed of pursuant to Chapter 90.
   (B)   No person having the care of any dog or other animal shall permit such animal to enter or drink the water of any drinking fountain or swimming pool in any park except at places designated or maintained therefor.
('74 Code, § 94.22) (Ord. 71-11, passed 12-6-71) Penalty, see § 93.99