   (A)   The city through its Common Council and through a plan to be developed by the Board of Public Works and Safety, will develop and implement a Complete Streets Program that results in a comprehensive and integrated transportation network designed, constructed, operated and maintained to facilitate safe and convenient travel for all potential users including motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians.
   (B)   The Board of Public Works and Safety will assist the City Plan Commission in all ways possible in the Plan Commission’s anticipated development of a complete streets plan. Until said plan is completed and ultimately approved by the Common Council, it will be the policy of the Board of Public Works and Safety to endeavor to incorporate standards that are common to most complete streets plans of other communities in all street and sidewalk construction and reconstruction projects within the city.
   (C)   Exceptions to implementation of the Complete Streets Program will be where the County Building Inspector recommends and the Board of Public Works and Safety approves exceptions. Such exceptions will generally be implemented where:
      (1)   Use by non-motorized users is prohibited by law;
      (2)   The cost of implementing the plan’s provisions would be excessively disproportionate to the need or probable future use over the long term. Excessively disproportionate is defined as exceeding 20% of the cost of the larger transportation project;
      (3)   There is an absence of current or future need documented through demographic, school, employment and public transportation route data;
      (4)   Significant, documented, adverse environmental impacts outweigh the positive effects of the infrastructure; or
      (5)   Implementation of the standards would be contrary to public health or safety.
   (D)   The city will cooperate with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and the Randolph County Highway Department toward an integrated network of streets and pathways that will serve all users within the region as contemplated by the Complete Streets Program.
(Res. 2017-R-16, passed 7-24-17)
   Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this traffic code for which another penalty is not provided shall, for the conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $500.