967.01 Purpose and intent.
967.02 Definitions.
967.03 Applicability.
967.04 Procedures.
967.04.1 Permit required.
967.04.2 Application requirements.
967.04.3 Application type.
967.04.4 Decisions.
967.04.5 Amendments.
967.04.6 Issuance of permits and certificates.
967.04.7 Scope of approval.
967.04.8 Duration of approval.
967.04.9 Revocation.
967.04.10 Appeals.
967.05 Standards.
967.05.1 General.
967.05.2 Design and siting requirements.
967.05.3 Reservation of right of way.
967.06 Nonconformity.
967.07 Conflict with other provisions.
967.08 Severability.
967.99 Penalties.
Rights of way regulations - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 960 et seq.
(a) The purpose of this chapter is to establish general procedures and standards for the siting, construction, placement, collocation, modification, operation, and removal of small cell facilities and/or wireless support structures within the City of Union and to comply with Ohio Revised Code Section 4939.
(b) The goals of this chapter are to:
(1) Provide standards for the siting, construction, placement, collocation, modification, operation, and removal of small cell facilities and wireless support structures within the City of Union.
(2) Establish criteria for making application to promote fair and efficient processing of applications.
(3) Ensure that small cell facilities and wireless support structures conform to all applicable health and safety regulations.
(4) Preserve the character of the City's neighborhoods and/or historic districts by limiting the overall number of facilities within the City's Right of Way.
(5) Reduce visual clutter and preserve and enhance the aesthetic environment of the City of Union.
(6) Ensure the safety of motorists, pedestrians, and other users of the City's Rights of Way by limiting the placement and overall number of facilities within close proximity to roadways, sidewalks, or other such ways of travel.
(c) Establish a fair and reasonable method to recover costs incurred in administering this chapter.
(Ord. 1678. Passed 5-14-18.)