2.92.010 Documents
2.92.020 Documents to file with the state
2.92.030 Document retention
2.92.040 Definition
2.92.050 Open documents
2.92.060 Access and inspection of documents
2.92.070 Copies of documents
2.92.080 Compilation or creation of documents
2.92.090 Exemptions for particular records
2.92.100 Appeal of denial of request
The City shall file with the State of Alaska the following documents:
(A) Maps and descriptions of all annexed or excluded territory;
(B) A copy of an audit or statement of annual income and expenditures;
(C) Tax assessment figures as requested; and
(D) Reports relating to long-term debt as provided in AS 44.19.205.
(Am. Ord. 2004-04, passed 3-9-04)
(A) The City Clerk shall prepare a schedule of documents known as a document retention schedule to be adopted by the City Council by resolution or regulation. The document retention schedule shall specify the documents to be:
(1) Retained permanently;
(2) Destroyed;
(3) Disposed of routinely in the regular course of public business; and
(4) Microfilmed.
(B) The document retention schedule shall list, with sufficient detail for identification, all documents to be destroyed by the City in the regular course of public business. Any records to be destroyed shall be certified by the City Clerk and City Manager as having no legal or administrative value, or historical interest. The City may promulgate additional regulations for the effective administration of the document retention program and the document retention schedule.
(C) The City Clerk shall dispose of the records to be destroyed pursuant to a document retention schedule adopted by the Council. Upon disposal, the City Clerk shall file in the City Clerk's office and in the Department from which the records were drawn, a descriptive list of the records disposed of and microfilmed and a record of the disposal itself.
(D) The document retention schedule may authorize the substitution of microfilmed copies for any original documents, including documents to be periodically disposed of, and the disposal of these original documents when microfilmed. Documents pertaining to any claim and demand by the City or against it, or any account in which the City is concerned, either as a debtor or creditor, shall not be destroyed until the claim, demand or account has been settled and adjusted. A reproduction, print, or enlargement from an authorized microfilm copy of an original document shall be considered as an original document for all purposes, including the introduction in evidence in any court or other legal or administrative proceedings. When microfilmed, the original documents may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of. When microfilmed, any original document of historical interest may be turned over to the City Library or museum for display. The microfilmed copies shall be kept in conveniently accessible and properly fireproofed and insulated files, cabinets or containers, and shall be indexed, assembled, and maintained for ready reference.
(Am. Ord. 2004-04, passed 3-9-04)