(a) The Commissioner shall issue a new permit upon application, or grant the renewal of an existing permit upon application, except as provided in divisions (b) or (c) of this section.
(b) The Commissioner shall deny any application for a new permit, or renewal of permit, if any of the following are shown to have occurred at the short-term rental property:
(1) The applicant makes a material misrepresentation of fact on the application;
(2) The applicant or any owner of the short-term rental has been convicted of violating Section 771.02(a) of this Chapter.
(3) Any owner, applicant, operator, or manager of the short-term rental is shown to have been convicted of the act of prostitution or soliciting for prostitution, or an act that would constitute a violation of the Ohio R.C. Chapters 2925 (Drug Offenses) or 3719 (Controlled Substances), in or on the dwelling of the short-term rental in question, or any short-term rental in which that the owner has any interest in, including, but not limited to, ownership, licensure, or management.
(4) The property taxes of the short-term rental host are in arrears with the Summit County Auditor's Office.
(5) The short-term rental host is not in good standing with the City of Twinsburg Income Tax Division (RITA).
(c) The Commissioner may deny any application for a new permit, or renewal of permit, if any of the following are shown to have occurred at the short-term rental property:
(1) The occurrence of any of the activities set forth in the Twinsburg Codified Ordinances relating to noise disturbance, nuisance, drug offenses, or disorderly conduct;
(2) The short-term rental has outstanding orders from the Twinsburg Fire Department that have not been corrected;
(3) Pattern of felony drug related activity as defined in Ohio R.C. 2923.31 (Corrupt Activities);
(4) Pattern of prostitution related activity or evidence of human trafficking as defined in Ohio R.C. 2923.31;
(5) Pattern of gang related activity as defined in Ohio R.C. 2923.41;
(6) The short-term rental or short-term rental host has a documented history of repeated acts that are offenses of violence as defined in Ohio R.C. 2901.01;
(8) The applicant or short-term rental host of the short-term rental has hindered or prevented any inspection of the short-term rental authorized herein.
(d) Evidence of conduct under divisions (b) and (c) of this section need only be that of de facto violation of law, evidence of conviction is not a prerequisite for denial unless specifically indicated. (Ord. 83-2019. Passed 10-8-19.)