(a) The Parks and Recreation Department is authorized to provide, by order of the Mayor, snow removal service for the following residents:
(1) Persons over the age of sixty-five years, provided no able-bodied person under sixty-five years of age resides at the same address and that such service is not provided by any homeowners' association;
(2) Persons physically or mentally handicapped who receive annually net income of less than fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) provided no able-bodied person under sixty-five years of age resides at the same address and that such service is not provided by any homeowners' association.
Notwithstanding the foregoing requirements, the Mayor may, within his or her discretion, authorize temporary snow removal services in extreme or emergency situations.
(b) No snow plowing will be furnished to those qualified residents except when the accumulation of snow reaches approximately three inches. Driveways shall not be cleared more than once in a twenty-four hour period and only after all City streets have been cleared to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services.
(c) The City snow removal vehicles will clear no more than a single driveway width. The applicant shall indicate the location of the driveway through the use of driveway markers, which shall be visible from the cab of snow plow vehicles. Applicants shall not have side or overhead driveway obstructions which may interfere with snow removal operations.
(Ord. 61-2017. Passed 6-13-17.)
(a) City residents who qualify for City snow plowing and who desire plowing services must obtain and complete an Application and Income Verification Form as provided by the City.
(b) Upon completion, the application, income verification form, a doctor's letter evidencing physical or mental handicap disability, if applicable and necessary, and a signed release of the City from liability for any damages incurred during snow plow activity shall be returned by mail or in person to the Community Center/Senior Center no later than the last business day of November of each year.
(c) In addition to the foregoing, no application will be processed without the submission of an application fee. The amount of the application fee shall be determined as follows:
Household Annual Income | Fee |
Less than $32,000.00 | No Fee |
From $32,000.00 to $60,000.00 | $75.00* |
Excess of $60,000.00 | Not Eligible |
*Any eligible resident that submits a completed application on or before the last business day of November shall receive a $25.00 discount.
(Ord. 61-2017. Passed 6-13-17.)
The falsification of any information contained in a snow plowing service application, or an accompanying medical letter, of a City resident shall result in immediate and permanent ineligibility for snow plowing services by the Department of Public Services and the applicant shall reimburse the City within sixty days of costs incurred during such snow removal at a rate determined by the Director of Public Services.
(Ord. 106-1986. Passed 11-18-86.)
(a) The Director of Public Services is authorized to employ private snow removal contractors to assist the City in rendering the services set forth in Section 927.01 when he has determined that an emergency exists and that there are inadequate City personnel to perform the services set forth therein.
(b) The Director shall obtain such private snow removal contractors after ascertaining, by means of informal bid, the cost of removal to be charged by individual contractors and shall make arrangements and contracts with the selected contractors in advance of each winter season to be assured of their availability on an on-call basis during the ensuing winter months upon such terms and specifications as he shall prepare.
(c) Payment for such private contracting services shall be made by the Director or Deputy Director of Finance from funds appropriated to such purpose, which appropriation is hereby authorized.
(Ord. 106-1986. Passed 11-18-86.)
Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree subject to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or imprisonment of not more than six months, or both. Each instance of violation or failure to comply shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 106-1986. Passed 11-18-86.)