Every subdivider shall be required to install the following improvements in accordance with the conditions and specifications as follows:
   (A)   Monuments: Monuments shall be set in accordance with section 50-1303, Idaho Code.
   (B)   Streets And Alleys: All streets and alleys shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications adopted by the council 1 .
   (C)   Curbs And Gutters: Curbs and gutters shall be constructed on all streets and service roads.
      All construction shall be in accordance with the standards and specifications adopted by the council 2 .
   (D)   Bicycle Pathways: A bicycle pathway shall be provided within all subdivisions, as part of the public right of way or separate easement, as may be specified in an overall bicycle plan as adopted by the council.
   (E)   Installation Of Public Utilities: Underground utilities shall be required in all new subdivisions.
      Existing utilities or new large transmission lines shall not be required to be buried.
   (F)   Driveways: All driveway openings in curbs shall be as specified by the administration, highway district or state highway department.
   (G)   Storm Drainage: Refer to section 10-11-8 of this title for additional drainage requirements.
   (H)   Public Water Supply And Sewer Systems: All new public water supply or sewer systems shall be an extension of an existing public system 1 .
   (I)   Fire Hydrants And Water Mains: Adequate fire protection shall be required in accordance with standards established by the city engineer.
   (J)   Street Name Signs: Street name signs shall be installed in the appropriate locations at each street intersection in accordance with the local standards set forth by the City Engineer.
   (K)   Sidewalks And Pedestrian Walkways: Sidewalks shall be required on both sides of the street, except that where the average width of lots, as measured at the street frontage line or at the building setback line, is over two hundred ten feet (210') sidewalks on only one side of the street may be allowed. Pedestrian walkways, when required shall have easements at least ten feet (10') in width and include a paved walk at least five feet (5') in width.
      Sidewalks and crosswalks shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications as adopted by the council 2 .
   (L)   Mailboxes: Mailbox locations shall conform to the following standards:
      1.   In the SUI zone with public streets where no sidewalks are required, boxes shall be placed with their bottoms three and one-half feet (31/2') above the edge of the public roadway and their fronts one-half foot (1/2') behind the face of the curb.
      2.   In the R1-VAR, R2, R4 and R6 zones for single-family and duplexes on public streets, the boxes shall be placed in groups of two (2) or more with their bottoms between three and one-half feet (31/2') and four feet (4') above the back of the sidewalk and their fronts between one-half foot (1/2') and one foot (1') behind the back of the sidewalk.
      3.   In the R4 and R6 zones for triplexes and larger multiplexes on public streets, mailboxes shall not encroach over public sidewalks. Mailbox locations shall be reviewed and approved by the U.S. postal service.
      4.   In ZDA and MHP overlays with private streets and in commercial and industrial zones, mailbox locations shall be reviewed and approved by the U.S. postal service.
      5.   No appurtenances to the mailbox or its support shall extend forward of the box.
   (M)   Greenbelt: Greenbelts or landscaping screening may be required for the protection of residential properties from adjacent major arterial streets, waterways, railroad rights of way or other features. Subdivision plats shall show the location of any greenbelt areas.
   (N)   Street Luminaires: Luminaires shall be required to be installed at intersections throughout the subdivision, in accordance with the local standards set forth by the City Engineer.
   (O)   Landscape And Sidewalk Placement: Landscaping and sidewalk placement required adjacent to arterial and collector streets. A tract of land eleven feet (11') in depth behind the curb line will be dedicated as part of any residential development adjacent to arterial and collector streets. Within that tract the developer shall install landscaping six feet (6') in depth with a sprinkler system and with grass and trees behind the curb line and shall also install a five foot (5') sidewalk. The landscaping will be maintained by the city and funded through a fee added to the water bill of each account within the development. Irrevocable restrictive covenants for this development and maintenance shall provide for this funding. Alternative landscaping other than trees and grass may be approved by the city.
   (P)   Pressure Irrigation System:
      1.   Pursuant to section 7-8-3 of this code, the use of the city's potable water supply as the primary source of irrigation water in all new developments shall be prohibited. For purposes of this subsection, the term "new development" means any new subdivision or ZDA, or any development of any parcel of land of three-fourths (3/4) of an acre or larger that is not part of a subdivision or ZDA.
      2.   All new developments shall include an operating pressure irrigation system constructed to city standards and approved by the city engineer and the Twin Falls Canal Company. The city engineer shall encourage developers to participate in a regional system as long as the pump station is operational before the first building permit is issued for that station's service area.
      3.   The city engineer may authorize in specific cases a variance from the requirement of a pressure irrigation system, if not contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this subsection would result in unnecessary hardship.
               a.   Special conditions may include, but are not limited to, small developments in terms of acreage, developments without viable access to irrigation water delivery, or developments without Twin Falls Canal Company water shares.
               b.   Variances shall not be granted on the grounds of convenience or profit, but only where strict application of the provisions of this title would result in unnecessary hardship.
      4.   The city engineer shall not authorize a variance from the requirement of an operating pressure irrigation system unless an alternate provision has been approved by the city engineer. Alternates may include, but shall not be limited to, required xeriscaping (i.e., landscaping in ways that do not require supplemental irrigation), payment of an in lieu fee equal to the estimated cost of construction of an operating pressure irrigation system (including land acquisition), or some combination of these or other acceptable options.
      5.   One share of Twin Falls Canal Company water for each acre of property within the subdivision shall be deeded to the city before the filing of the final plat for use in the pressurized irrigation system.
   (Q)   Special Features: All other special features or items as represented during the approval process. (Ord. 2012, 7-6-1981; amd. Ord. 2472, 12-19-1994; Ord. 2481, 5-1-1995; Ord. 2796, 6-14-2004; Ord. 2850, 2-21-2006; Ord. 2925, 11-19-2007; Ord. 3082, 12-8-2014; Ord. 2024-003, 1-8-2024)



1. See section 8-1-2 of this code and section 10-11-5 of this title.
2. See section 8-2-12 of this code and section 10-11-5 of this title.
1. See subsection 7-8-3(D) of this code.
2. See section 8-2-12 of this code.