(A)   It shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any private water source or to connect to or use the city water system except as herein provided.
   (B)   All houses, buildings or properties under the jurisdiction of the city used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes that contain facilities designed to supply water for human consumption shall connect such facilities to a public or private water source conforming to the provisions contained herein and no permit to construct a building shall be issued until evidence has been submitted to the building official that the owner has obtained a permit as provided herein to construct a private water supply or to connect to a public water line for the purpose of water supply.
   (C)   The owners of all new houses, buildings or properties abutting on any street, alley or other right of way in which there is located a public water line of the city, shall, at the owner's expense, make the necessary line extensions, connect to and use the water from the public water lines as provided herein; providing, that said public water line is within one hundred feet (100') (30.5 meters) of his property line.
   (D)   The owners of all existing houses, buildings or properties served by a private water supply shall, at the owner's expense, abandon the private water supply and make the necessary line extensions, connect to and use the water from the public water line, at any time a public water line becomes available for extension and/or connection within one hundred feet (100') (30.5 meters) of the property line, providing the state department of health and welfare or the city water superintendent notifies the owner, in writing, that the private water supply is polluted.
   (E)   The developer of a new subdivision shall, at his expense, construct the necessary extensions of the public water system to provide a public water supply for each lot in his subdivision, providing the boundary line of the subdivision is within one-half (1/2) mile of a public water line. (Ord. 1758, 3-15-1976; amd. 1980)
   (F)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, the use of the city's potable water supply as the primary source of irrigation water in all new developments shall be prohibited. For purposes of this subsection, the term "new development" means any new subdivision or ZDA, or any development of any parcel of land of two (2) acres or larger that is not part of a subdivision or ZDA. (Ord. 3082, 12-8-2014)