For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
PUBLIC PLACE. Any street, alley, park, public building, any place of business or assembly open to or frequented by the public and any other place which is open to the public view, or to which the public has access.
(Ord. 8, passed - -)
(A) No person shall in any public place:
(1) Be drunk or under the influence of any narcotic drug if, while drunk or under the influence of a narcotic drug, said person is endangering the well-being of himself or herself or other persons;
(2) Be in a naked state;
(3) Use any indecent or immoral language to, or in the presence or hearing of, any other person, or manifest any indecent or immoral behavior in said township in the presence, view or hearing of any other person;
(4) Engage in any disturbance, fight or quarrel;
(5) Conduct himself or herself in such a manner that he or she unreasonably disturbs a meeting of municipal officials;
(6) Disturb the public peace and quiet by loud, boisterous or vulgar conduct;
(7) Allow any place occupied or controlled by him or her to be a resort of noisy, boisterous or disorderly persons;
(8) Obstruct, resist, hinder or oppose any member of the Police or Fire Departments or any peace officer in the discharge of his or her duties as such, or to flee on foot from any member of the Police Department when said officer is lawfully discharging his or her duties;
(9) Prowl about or loiter in any alley or the private premises of any other person without authority or the permission of the owner of such premises;
(10) Summon, as a joke or prank or otherwise without any good reason therefor, by telephone or otherwise, the Police or Fire Department or any public or private ambulance to go to any address where the service called for is not needed;
(11) While under the age of 17 years, loiter or remain in or upon any streets, alleys or public places in the township between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day, unless such minor is in the pursuance of an errand directed by a parent, guardian or other person having care or custody, or while the performance of such lawful employment of such minor makes it necessary that such minor be upon such streets, alleys or public places during the night time, within such specified hours;
(12) To loiter, loaf, wander, stand or remain idle either alone and /or in consort with others in a public place in such a manner so as to:
(a) Obstruct any public street, public highway, public sidewalks or any other public place or building by hindering or impeding or tending to hinder or impede the free and uninterrupted passage of vehicles, traffic or pedestrians; or
(b) Commit in or upon any public street, public highway, public sidewalk or any other public place or building any act which is an obstruction or interference to the free and uninterrupted use of property or with any business lawfully conducted by any one in or upon or facing or fronting on any such public street, public highway, public sidewalk or any other public place or building, which act prevents the free and uninterrupted egress or ingress to or from said place.
(B) When any person or persons causes or commits any of the conditions herein enumerates in this section, a police officer or any law enforcement officer shall order that person or persons to cease causing or committing such conditions and to move or disperse. Any person or persons who fails or refuses to obey such orders shall be guilty of a violation of this section.
(Ord. 8, passed - -) Penalty, see § 130.99
(A) No persons shall willfully enter upon the lands or premises of any public school in the township without lawful authority after having been forbidden to do so by the principal, Superintendent or his or her designated agents. No person being upon said lands or premises may refuse or neglect to depart therefor upon being requested to do so by the Superintendent, principal or his or her designated agent. Where signs at each school building entrance direct persons to any office or any place to obtain permission to enter and remain in said building, entry into the building by any person without complying with said direction shall be deemed prima facie violation of this section; provided, however, that this requirement shall not apply in the case of students who are regularly enrolled and attending at said school, parents or guardians of such students, teachers or other employees.
(B) For the purpose of this section, STUDENTS WHO ARE REGULARLY ENROLLED AND ATTENDING shall not include students who are expelled or suspended from the public school.
(Ord. 9, passed 7-23-1975)