(A)   Applicability.
      (1)   Any non-governmental non-domestic user of the system which discharges more than the equivalent of 25,000 gpd of non-domestic wastewater into the system and which is identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, United States Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented, under one of the following divisions:
         (a)   Division A. Agricultural, Forestry and Fishing;
         (b)   Division B. Mining;
         (c)   Division D. Manufacturing;
         (d)   Division E. Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services; and
         (e)   Division I. Services.
      (2)   Any discharger or user shall comply with § 50.069, including:
         (a)   Any discharger listed in division (A)(1) above with a volume exceeding 25,000 gpd or the weight of BOD or suspended solids equivalent to the weight of BOD or SS normally found in 25,000 gpd of domestic waste; and
         (b)   Any user discharging into the system any substance in a quantity which either singly or by interaction with other wastes, causes an interference, a nuisance or a hazard to any person or animal.
   (B)   Cost recovery. If any user were to contribute 10% or more of any one design parameter that is flow, BOD or SS, a letter of intent to use the sewage treatment plant shall be required. Those users contributing less than 10% will not be required to submit a letter of intent but shall be subject to an industrial cost recovery charge. Such users shall construct a sampling control manhole for the purpose of measuring the amount of and determining the type of non-domestic wastewater introduced to the sewage treatment plant by the user. As a result of the flow measuring and sampling, the township may require the non-domestic wastewater to be pretreated prior to introduction to the public sewer. If for any reason such a user should cease operation during the cost recovery period, it will not be held responsible for cost recovery payments. The capacity formerly utilized by that user shall become available for increases in loading or for new industrial users. The removal of a user from the cost recovery system shall not in any way affect the industrial cost recovery charge for any other user.
(Ord. passed 7-10-2013)