It shall be unlawful for any person within the City of Tulare to possess any alcoholic beverage in any public place, or to transport any alcoholic beverage upon any public street, sidewalk, pedestrian mall, alleyway or thoroughfare where the alcoholic beverage is in a receptacle which has been opened, the seal of which has been broken or the contents of which has been partially removed.
(1995 Code, § 6.44.010)
It shall be unlawful for any person to possess any alcoholic beverage where the alcoholic beverage is in a receptacle which has been opened, the seal of which has been broken or the contents of which have been partially removed, on any parking lot within the City of Tulare associated with or under the control of any business or other premises open to the public where the parking lot has immediate access to a public street.
(1995 Code, § 6.44.020)
It shall be unlawful for the registered owner of any vehicle or the driver, if the registered owner is not then present in the vehicle, to keep in a motor vehicle when the motor vehicle is located in any area enumerated in §§ 6.44.010 and 6.44.020 of this chapter, any bottle, can or other receptacle containing any alcoholic beverage which has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed, unless the container is kept in the trunk of the vehicle, or kept in some other area of the vehicle not normally occupied by the driver or passengers, if the vehicle is not equipped with a trunk. A utility compartment or glove compartment shall be deemed to be within the area occupied by the driver and passengers. This section shall, however, not apply to living quarters of a house, car, camper or motor home.
(1995 Code, § 6.44.030)