6.36.010 Intent and purpose.
6.36.020 Definitions.
6.36.030 Bingo permitted.
6.36.040 Permit application.
6.36.050 Content of application.
6.36.060 Consent to investigation.
6.36.070 Reference of application.
6.36.080 Investigation by Chief of Police.
6.36.090 Investigation by the Planning Director.
6.36.100 Investigation by Fire Chief.
6.36.110 Denial of permit.
6.36.120 Appeal.
6.36.130 Issuance of permit.
6.36.140 Posting of permit.
6.36.150 Permit nontransferable.
6.36.160 Conditions of operation.
6.36.170 Operators.
6.36.180 Ownership of equipment.
6.36.190 Financial interest.
6.36.200 Special fund required.
6.36.210 Records.
6.36.220 Quarterly report.
6.36.230 Changes in conditions during permit period.
6.36.240 Restrictions on time for conducting bingo games.
6.36.250 Suspension or revocation.
6.36.260 Renewal.
It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to authorize the playing of the game of chance generally known as “bingo” subject to and pursuant to the restrictions contained in Article IV, § 19c of the Constitution of the State of California and Cal. Penal Code § 326.5. Definitions, conditions and restrictions set forth in this chapter are intended to comply with and implement the Constitutional and Penal Code provisions. To the extent that any provision of this chapter is substantially the same as that contained in Cal. Penal Code § 326.5 and violation thereof be deemed a violation of the Penal Code and punishable thereunder, the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed explanatory only.
(1995 Code, § 6.36.010)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BINGO. A game of chance in which prizes are awarded on the basis of designated numbers of symbols on a card which conform to numbers or symbols selected at random.
CITY COUNCIL. The City Council of the City of Tulare.
FINANCE OFFICER, CHIEF OF POLICE, PLANNING DIRECTOR or FIRE CHIEF. The Finance Officer, Chief of Police, Planning Director or Fire Chief of the City of Tulare or their respective authorized agents.
NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION. Any tax-exempt organization or senior citizens organization, as such terms are defined in this section.
SENIOR CITIZEN. Any person of age 60 or older or any person age 50 or older who no longer engages in full-time employment.
SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATION. Any organization meeting the following criteria:
(A) Purpose. The purpose of the organization is to improve the social, recreational, economic, medical and/or housing conditions of senior citizens.
(B) Membership. The membership in the organization shall be limited to senior citizens and their spouses.
(C) Formal organization. The organization shall have a duly adopted constitution or by-laws stating the purpose of the organization and the qualifications of membership and providing for the election of officers.
TAX-EXEMPT ORGANIZATION. Any organization exempted from the payment of bank or corporation taxes by Cal. Revenue and Taxation Code §§ 23701b (fraternal beneficiary societies, orders or organizations) or 23701d (religious, charitable, scientific, literary, educational and humanitarian corporations).
(1995 Code, § 6.36.020)
A nonprofit organization having in effect a permit therefor from the Finance Officer pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may conduct a bingo game for charitable purposes subject to all conditions and restrictions contained in Cal. Penal Code § 326.5 and this chapter.
(1995 Code, § 6.36.030)