Upon approval of the tentative , up to five single-
model homes may be authorized for construction prior to recordation of the final , provided:
A. Sale or occupancy of an individual unit as a residence does not occur until after recordation of the final and the
’s release of
; and,
B. The location of each unit is based on the
configuration approved for the tentative at one unit per proposed
A. Land clearing or
may begin after
plans are approved, provided the plans are prepared in compliance with an approved tentative and such tentative is in
with the underlying zoning. Mass graded include
of all the platted
and other
by the developer. Custom graded
include the road
that guarantee access to each
, and other
where access to a future
pad is feasible for each
C. Concurrent review of a
plan and a tentative may be permitted when submitting a
package in accordance with Section 2-06.0.0 of the Administrative Manual.
D. When applicable,
information shall be provided on the tentative and
A recorded that is filed for the purpose of abandoning the , meaning reverting to the configuration of land previously subdivided, or vacating
or easements previously
to the public; or vacating or redescribing
boundaries previously recorded may be replatted in accordance with Section 8.4.1, , if all other criteria of Section 8.4.1.E, Criteria, are met. Otherwise, the shall be replatted in accordance with Sections 8.4.4, Tentative , and 8.4.5, Final .
Where, in accordance with an adopted plan, it is determined that there are inadequate parks and recreational facilities, fire stations, or school , the Mayor and Council may require that land area within the
be reserved for one or more of those uses. Such requirement shall be in accordance with
statutes regulating reservation of parks, recreational facilities, fire stations, and school .
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013)