Sec. 7-166. Standards for issuing license.
The director of finance shall issue a license hereunder when he finds:
   Sec. 7-166(1). That the applicant has complied with existing health and safety regulations of public authorities, and that the applicant is of good moral character and temperate habits;
   Sec. 7-166(2). That conducting a drive-in restaurant at the location designated during the hours applied for will per se not result in the violation of any law or ordinance;
   Sec. 7-166(3). That the bond or insurance policy, if required by section 7-165, has been procured, and filed in the office of the director of finance;
   Sec. 7-166(4). That the requirements of this article and of all other governing laws and ordinances have been satisfied.
   Sec. 7-166(5). In case a license granted under this article to the applicant, or to any agent or employee of the applicant or a majority stockholder of the applicant, has been revoked or suspended within two (2) years prior to the date of the application, a license shall be issued only if the director of finance finds that the applicant, its officers and agents, and its principal stockholders are morally responsible, have good reputations and are capable of operating the proposed drive-in restaurant in a manner consistent with the public health, safety and good morals.
(1953 Code, ch. 13, § 68; Ord. No. 1875, § 1, 12-15-58; Ord. No. 4382, § 2, 8-4-75)