Sec. 12-148.   Applicability of referendum to city ordinances; 30-day period for referendum to be calculated from the date ordinance is made available from the city clerk.
   Referendum shall apply to City ordinances as provided in Chapter XX of the City Charter. If petitioners file an application for referendum with the city clerk relating to an ordinance, or a resolution having the effect of an ordinance, or any item, section, or part thereof, that is subject to referendum, and the city clerk is unable to provide petitioners with a copy of the ordinance at the time of application for an official serial number or on the same business day of the application, the thirty (30) day period for filing the referendum petition shall be calculated from the date such ordinance is made available from the city clerk.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
Sec. 12-149.   Form of petition.
   (a)   The term "petition," as used in this article, includes the title and text of the referred measure, the signature sheets, and the affidavit of circulator.
   (b)   Any referendum petition desired to be submitted to the mayor and council shall be presented upon a petition in the form prescribed by the city clerk.
   (c)   The referendum and recall petitions filed with the city clerk must strictly comply with the constitutional and statutory requirements for the referendum and recall process. This includes the form of and the requirement that the qualified elector shall print their ward number on the signature sheet.
   (d)   It is the responsibility of the petitioners of the referendum petition to ensure that at all times during circulation, the petition is in the required form, including a complete copy of the measure sought to be referred, that it contains all required information, and that all of its pages are fully legible.
   (e)   No additional information, instructions, symbols, or markings of any kind are to be printed on any portion of the petition, including the back or margins of any of the petition documents (title/text, signature sheet, affidavit of circulator).
   (f)   The title and text of the measure referred by the petition shall be printed in at least eight (8) point type on either 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper, portrait or landscape orientation. The title and text shall indicate material deleted, by printing the material with a line drawn through the center of the letters of the material. The eight (8) point type requirement does not apply to maps, charts, or other graphics.
   (g)   If the full printing of the title and text of the referred measure requires multiple pages, the title and text may be printed either on the front of each page or on the front and back of each page, at the option of the petitioners. Each and every page of the title and text shall be numbered sequentially (e.g. Page 1 of 5, Page 2 of 5, etc.) and the number shall appear in the upper right-hand corner of each page, immediately below the words "Tucson, Arizona" and the date of issuance.
   (h)   The referendum petition shall be printed in black ink on white or recycled white pages.
   (i)   The signature sheets shall be fourteen (14) inches in width by eight and one-half (8 1/2) inches in length.
   (j)   All pages of the petition shall have a margin of at least one-half (1/2) inch at the top and one-fourth (1/4) inch at the bottom of each page.
   (k)   The title of the petition shall read "CITY OF TUCSON" in the left margin followed by "Referendum Description" centered.
   (l)   Immediately below the title required in subsection (k) of this section, the petition shall include a description of no more than one hundred (100) words of the principal provisions of the measure sought to be referred.
   (m)   The following language shall appear in the uppermost right-hand corner of the signature sheet: "It is unlawful to sign this petition before it has a serial number."
   (n)   Immediately below the statement required in subsection (m) of this section, each signature sheet shall have printed in capital letters in no less than twelve (12) point bold-faced type the following:
   "                        PAID CIRCULATOR"
   "                        VOLUNTEER"
   (o)   The words "Tucson, Arizona" and the date of issuance shall appear in the upper right-hand corner of both sides of the signature sheet.
   (p)   Immediately below the description required in subsection (l) of this section, the following language shall be included: "Notice: This is only a description of the measure sought to be referred prepared by the sponsor of the measure. It may not include every provision contained in the measure. Before signing, make sure the title and text of the measure are attached. You have the right to read or examine the title and text before signing."
   (q)   In eight (8) point centered type, the following language shall be included "Petition for Referendum".
   (r)   Immediately below the language required in subsection (q) above, the following language shall be included: "To the City Clerk of the City of Tucson: We, the undersigned, residents of the City of Tucson, Arizona, and duly qualified electors therein, respectfully order that City of Tucson Ordinance No.              entitled (title of act or ordinance, and if the petition is against less than the whole act or ordinance
then set forth here the item, section, or part, of any measure on which the referendum is used) passed by the Mayor and Council on             (date) and petition that this ordinance be reconsidered by the Mayor and Council and, if not repealed at the time of such reconsideration, the same shall be referred to a vote of the qualified electors of the City of Tucson for their approval or rejection at the next city election called pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-204. Each signer for himself says: I have personally signed this petition with my first and last names. I have not signed any other petition for the same measure. I am a qualified elector of the City of Tucson."
   (s)   Immediately following the language in subsection (r) above, the following language shall be included: "Warning: It is a class 1 misdemeanor for any person to knowingly sign a referendum petition with a name other than his own, except in a circumstance where he signs for a person, in the presence of and at the specific request of such person, who is incapable of signing his own name because of physical infirmity, or to knowingly sign his name more than once for the same measure, or to knowingly sign such petition when he is not a qualified elector."
   (t)   The signature sheet shall include columns with the following headings in bold-faced type:
      (1)   Signature
      (2)   Name (first and last name printed)
      (3)   Actual address (street & no. and if no street address, describe residence location)
      (4)   Arizona post office address & zip code
      (5)   City or town (if any)
      (6)   Ward No.
      (7)   Date signed
   (u)   Each signature sheet shall contain lines for signatures numbered one through fifteen.
   (v)   Immediately below the fifteen (15) numbered lines described in subsection (t) above, the following language shall be included: "The validity of the signatures on this sheet must be sworn to by the circulator before a notary public on the form appearing on the back of the sheet."
   (w)   The official serial number shall appear in the lower right-hand corner, immediately preceded by the words "Serial Number" on both sides of the signature sheet and the title and text page(s).
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
Sec. 12-150.   Affidavit of circulator.
   (a)   The affidavit shall be in the following form printed on the reverse side of each signature sheet: "Referendum Affidavit of Circulator".
   (b)   The words "Tucson, Arizona" and the date of issuance shall appear in the upper right-hand corner.
   (c)   In the upper left-hand corner include the following:
   State of Arizona      )
               ) ss.:
   County of                           )
      (Where notarized)
   (d)   Immediately below the language described in subsection (c) above, the following language shall be included:
   I, (print name) , a person who is not required to be a resident of this state but who is otherwise qualified to register to vote in the county of                , in the state of Arizona at all times during my circulation of this petition sheet, and under the penalty of a class 1 misdemeanor, depose and say that subject to section 19-115, Arizona Revised Statutes, each individual printed the individual's own name and address and signed this sheet of the foregoing petition in my presence on the date indicated and I believe that each signer's name and residence address or post office address are correctly stated and that each signer is a qualified elector of the City of Tucson and that at all times during circulation of this signature sheet a copy of the title and text was attached to the signature sheet (Ariz. Const. Art. IV, Pt. 1, § 1, ¶ 9, A.R.S. §§ 19-112 (B), (C), (D), 19-114(A), Tucson Charter, Chapter XIX, § 2). The signatures appearing on this petition sheet are the genuine signatures of the persons whose names they bear and each and all of them are residents and duly qualified electors of the City of Tucson (Tucson Charter, Chapter XIX, § 2).
   (e)   Immediately following the language in subsection (d), the following language shall be included: "The names of the persons procuring this petition and who should be notified of all proceedings and action taken in reference to this petition are (Tucson Charter, Chapter XIX, § 2):".
   (f)   Immediately below the information required in subsection (e), the following shall be included: the petitioners' printed names, residence addresses, street and number (if no street address, describe residence location).
   (g)   Immediately below the information required in subsection (f), the following shall be included:
   Signature of affiant                                          
   Typed or Printed Name of affiant (Circulator)
   (Residence address, street and number of affiant, or if no street address, a description of residence location)
   (h)   Immediately following the circulator signature required in subsection (g), the following shall be included:
      Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on                        (date)
   Notary Public
(Form shall include a designated location for notary stamp)
   (i)   The official serial number shall appear in the lower right-hand corner, immediately preceded by the words "Serial Number" on both sides of the signature sheet and the title and text page(s).
   (j)   The affidavit of circulator shall not be modified. Any petition that contains a partially or incorrectly completed affidavit or any affidavit that has been modified is invalid.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
Sec. 12-151.   Provisions applicable to referendum.
   (a)   Pursuant to the strict compliance provisions relative to referendum, and the specific provisions of the Tucson Charter, the qualified elector shall print their ward number on the referendum petition.
   (b)   The title and text of a referendum petition must include a complete copy of the ordinance, item, section, or part of the ordinance sought to be repealed or referred, and all attachments.
   (c)   The provisions of article VII of this chapter, "Campaign Finance; Candidates, Political Action Committees, and Public Funding Program," shall apply to referendum petitions.
   (d)   The provisions of article VIII of this chapter, "Initiative," insofar as they relate to applications to circulate petitions, final version of petition, registered circulators, circulation of petitions, petition signature fraud, procedure for withdrawing signatures, filing petitions, examination and certification and disposition of petitions, as therein set out, shall apply to referendum petitions. These provisions shall not be construed to affect the strict compliance standard imposed by the Arizona Supreme Court under the Arizona Constitution and Arizona Revised Statutes.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)