Sec. 12-67.   Nomination petition circulators.
   (a)   Circulators who are not residents of this state must be registered as circulators with the secretary of state before circulating petitions.
   (b)   The circulator, before whom the signatures were written on the signature sheet, shall:
      (1)   Certify that the circulator is qualified to register to vote in the State of Arizona.
      (2)   Certify, if the circulator is not a resident of Arizona, that prior to circulating the petition the circulator registered as an out of state circulator with the Secretary of State.
      (3)   Certify that each of the names on the petition was signed in the circulator's presence on the date indicated.
      (4)   Certify that in the circulator's belief each signer was a qualified elector who resided at the address given as the signer's residence on the date indicated.
      (5)   Circulators must sign the petition and type or print the circulator's name under the circulator's signature.
      (6)   Type or print the circulator's actual residence address or, if no street address, a description of the circulator's residence location.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)