Sec. 12-64.    Qualifications of candidates.
   (a)   Candidates for the office of mayor and council member shall be duly qualified electors of the city under the laws of the State of Arizona and under the provisions of the Tucson Charter. Candidates shall be qualified electors of the city for not less than three (3) years immediately prior to becoming a candidate.
   (b)   Candidates for council member shall have resided in their respective ward for at least one (1) year prior to becoming a candidate.
   (c)   Time of residence and being a qualified elector shall be counted as residence and electoral qualifications within the city of Tucson one (1) year after said area becomes annexed to the city.
   (d)   At the time a candidate files a nomination paper, declaration and financial disclosure statement, the city clerk shall obtain the candidate's voter registration history from the County Recorder to verify qualifications.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
Sec. 12-65.   Number of signatures required.
   (a)   Candidates for the office of mayor must obtain signatures from qualified signers of the city equal to at least five percent (5%) and not more than ten percent (10%) of the designated party vote in the city in the preceding mayoral election.
   (b)   Candidates for the office of council member must obtain signatures from qualified signers of the city equal to at least five percent (5%) and not more than ten percent (10%) of the designated party vote in the ward in the preceding election for that ward.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
Sec. 12-66.   Nomination petition signers.
   (a)   Each signer of a nomination petition must be a qualified signer and member of the political party from which the candidate is seeking nomination, or a member of a political party that is not qualified for representation on the ballot pursuant to State law or the signer is registered as independent or party not determined.
   (b)   Each signer of a nomination petition shall sign only one (1) petition for the same office.
   (c)   A signature shall not be counted on a nomination petition unless the signature is upon a sheet bearing the form prescribed by the city clerk.
   (d)   Each signer of a nomination petition for the office of mayor shall, at the time of signing, be a qualified elector residing in the city of Tucson.
   (e)   Each signer of a nomination petition for the office of council member shall, at the time of signing, be a qualified elector residing in the ward the candidate is seeking to represent.
   (f)   If an elector signs more nomination petitions than permitted by subsection (a) of this section, the earlier signatures of the elector are deemed valid, as determined by the date of the signature as shown on the petitions. If the signatures by the elector are dated on the same day, all signatures by that elector on that day are deemed invalid. Any signature by that elector on a nomination petition on or after the date of the last otherwise valid signature is deemed invalid and shall not be counted.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)