Sec. 12-42.   Early ballot request forms distributed by candidates or political committees.
   (a)   A candidate, political committee or other organization may distribute early ballot request forms to voters. If the early ballot request forms include a printed address for return, the addressee shall be the city. Failure to use the city as the return addressee is punishable by a civil penalty of up to three (3) times the cost of the production and distribution of the request.
   (b)   All original and completed early ballot request forms that are received by a candidate, political committee or other organization shall be submitted to the city clerk within six (6) business days after receipt by a candidate, political committee or other organization or eleven (11) days before the election day, whichever is earlier.
   (c)   Any person, political committee or other organization that fails to submit a completed early ballot request form to the city clerk within the prescribed time is subject to a civil penalty of up to twenty-five dollars ($25) per day for each completed form withheld from submittal. Any person who knowingly fails to submit a completed early ballot request form before the submission deadline for the election immediately following the completion of the form is guilty of a class 6 felony.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)