Sec. 10A-250.   Creation.
   The Commission on Food Security, Heritage, and Economy (CFSHE) is established.
(Ord. No. 11266, § 1, 5-5-15)
Sec. 10A-251.    Membership composition; qualifications; terms and reappointment.
   (a)   Members. The CFSHE shall be composed of twelve (12) voting members, who shall serve without compensation. Members shall be appointed by mayor and council from the following nominations:
      Two (2) members nominated by Local First Arizona, at least one (1) of which represents local restaurants or stores that purchase locally grown foods;
      Two (2) members nominated by the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona;
      One (1) member nominated by the Pima County Food Alliance;
      One (1) member nominated by the Southwest Folklife Alliance/Tucson Meet Yourself;
      One (1) member nominated by Native Seeds/SEARCH;
      One (1) member nominated by the Santa Cruz Valley Heritage Alliance;
      One (1) member nominated by the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum;
      One (1) member nominated by the University of Arizona College of Public Health;
      One (1) member nominated by the University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; and
      One (1) member nominated by the Pima County Health Department.
   (b)   Qualifications. Members should be actively engaged in work or have technical expertise in the areas of food access and security; local food heritage; or local food production, distribution, or commercial purchasing/use. Members must reside or work within the Tucson metropolitan area.
   (c)   Terms and reappointment. Members shall serve for a term of four (4) years and may be re-appointed for up to one (1) additional term of four (4) years, but in no event may any individual serve more than a total of eight (8) continuous years.
(Ord. No. 11266, § 1, 5-5-15; Ord. No. 11649, § 1, 5-21-19)
Sec. 10A-252.   Functions and purposes.
   The CFSHE shall have the following functions and purposes, to the extent that they are consistent with the city's strategic plan:
   (a)   Advising the mayor and council on matters relating to food security, food heritage, and the food economy.
   (b)   Providing a common forum to the member organizations for discussion and coordination of activities.
   (c)   Fostering cooperation and efficiency among the member organizations.
   (d)   Developing food access, food security, nutrition, and economic development goals and targets; liaison with other U.S. and international communities to identify best practices; recommending strategies to meet those goals and targets; and identifying potential funding or other resources to implement those strategies.
   (e)   Promoting ideas, practices, and programs to increase access to healthy foods, increase demand and markets for locally-produced foods, improve local food distribution, reduce food waste, expand composting and other uses of food waste, expand food industry job opportunities, and expand food entrepreneur support.
   (f)   Evaluating city policies and regulations for their impact on local food production, food access and security, and nutrition, and making recommendations to improve such policies and regulations.
   (g)   At the discretion and express direction of the mayor and council, assuming and undertaking such other tasks or duties as would facilitate the goals and objectives of the committee.
(Ord. No. 11266, § 1, 5-5-15)
Sec. 10A-253.   Committee organization and rules.
   (a)   Chairperson. The CFSHE shall select from among its members a chair who shall serve a two (2) year term. The chair shall have responsibility for scheduling, presiding at, and directing the conduct of business at all CFSHE meetings.
   (b)   Bylaws. The CFSHE may adopt bylaws for its operations that are consistent with the Tucson Charter, Tucson Code, and other legal authority, and file them with the city clerk.
   (c)   Meetings. The CFSHE shall choose its own meeting dates, times, and places.
(Ord. No. 11266, § 1, 5-5-15)
Sec. 10A-254.   Staff support; minutes.
   Staff support shall be provided by the mayor's office to support the functions of the CFSHE, including maintaining minutes which shall be filed with the city clerk.
(Ord. No. 11266, § 1, 5-5-15)