Sec. 28-109. Suspension notice, hearing, determination and appeal.
   Sec. 28-109(1). The director shall notify the person suspended by certified mail, return receipt requested or by any other method that provides evidence of receipt.
   Sec. 28-109(2). The notice of suspension shall state:
   (a)   The basis for suspension;
   (b)   The period, including dates, of the suspension;
   (c)   That bids or proposals shall not be solicited or accepted from the person and, if received, will not be considered; and
   (d)   That the person may request a hearing on the suspension if the person files a written request for a hearing with the director within seven (7) days after receipt of the notice.
   Sec. 28-109(3). If a suspended party requests a hearing, the director may arrange for a hearing.
   Sec. 28-109(4). In the event a hearing is conducted, it shall occur to the extent practicable, in accordance with this article.
(Ord. No. 10404, § 1, 5-15-07)