Sec. 26-11.1. City engineer review of floodplain and erosion hazard area development.
The city engineer shall review all of the following applications for compliance with these regulations:
    (1)   Applications for development within a regulatory floodplain and erosion hazard areas.
    (2)   Applications for development requiring building permits within an area five hundred (500) feet on either side of delineated floodway boundaries in floodplains having watersheds larger than thirty (30) square miles, or two hundred fifty (250) feet on either side of watercourses having watersheds between ten (10) and thirty (30) square miles, and one hundred (100) feet on either side of watercourses having watersheds less than ten (10) square miles shall be reviewed. If, within twenty (20) working days, the city engineer determines that the location is subject to flood or erosion hazards, an application for a floodplain use permit pursuant to section 26-11.2 is required. Property owners may request a preliminary determination from the city engineer for property in such areas prior to any application for actual development.
    (3)   Applications for subdivision plat approval.
(Ord. No. 7407, § 5, 6-25-90; Ord. No. 11396, § 1, 8-9-16)