Sec. 19-553. Examination of taxpayer records; joint audits.
   (a)   Waiver of joint audit. A taxpayer that does not authorize a joint audit to be conducted for a tax jurisdiction is subject to audit by that tax jurisdiction at any time subject to the limitation provisions provided in section 19-550.
   (b)   Tax jurisdiction acceptance of joint audit. If the Arizona Department of Revenue intends to conduct an audit of a taxpayer, the cities or towns for whom a joint audit is being conducted may accept the audit by the Arizona Department of Revenue or may elect to have a representative participate, provided that no more than two city or town representatives in total may participate.
   (1)   If a city or town does not accept the audit as a joint audit, the city or town may not conduct an audit of the taxpayer for forty-two months from the close of the last tax period covered by the audit unless an exception applies to that taxpayer pursuant to A.R.S. Section 42-2059.
   (2)   If a joint audit is performed by a city or town, the Arizona Department of Revenue is not prohibited from conducting an audit that does not violate the provisions of A.R.S. Section 42-2059.
(Ord. No. 9569, § 2, 6-18-01)