(a)    Upon receipt of the recommendations from city staff, the Planning Commission may only take action as follows:
      (1)   Approve. The Commission may recommend approval of the final record plat, which shall be submitted to City Council. The recommendation of approval of the final or record plat by the Planning Commission shall not constitute a dedication or acceptance of any proposed street right-of-way shown on the plat.
      (2)   Table. The Commission may table the proposed final record plat only if the developer proceeds under Section 1117.02 (a).
      (3)   Deny. The Commission may recommend denial of the final record plat for failure to comply with the regulations and standards specified herein. If the Planning Commission denies the plat, then a revised final record plat may be re-submitted to the Planning Commission for final review or can be forwarded to City Council.
   (b)    If the developer proceeds in accordance with Section 1117.02 (a), there shall be no automatic approval of construction plans or final record plats due to the passage of time after submittal. Recognizing that there can be many surrounding facts and circumstances influencing the pace at which review and approval may be achieved, the Planning Commission shall process all such applications with diligence and reasonable speed. After the submission of a preliminary plan pursuant to Section 1117.02(a), a developer may elect to withdraw its application for a preliminary plan and elect to proceed in accordance with Section 1117.02(b).
   (c)    If the developer proceeds in accordance with Section 1117.02 (b), the final record plat shall be approved or denied within thirty days after submission.
(Ord. 73-2021. Passed 1-18-22.)