(a)   Automotive Service Stations. All automobile service stations shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   Automobile service stations shall be limited to the selling and dispensing of petroleum fuel primarily to passenger vehicles and to the accessory uses of sale and installation of lubricants, tires, batteries, accessories, and supplies, incidental washing and polishing, tune-ups and brake repair. Automotive service stations also shall be permitted to sell non-automotive retail items in addition to those goods and services listed above.
      (2)   No dismantling, wrecking or storage of automobiles, parts, or accessories shall be permitted except as reasonably necessary and incidental to the operations described in Section 1151.05(a)(1) of this Zoning Code.
      (3)   No storage or rental of utility trailers, trucks, or passenger vehicles shall be permitted.
      (4)   The entire operation of an automobile service station, except the sale and dispensing of petroleum fuel, shall be within an enclosed building.
      (5)   In addition to existing landscaping requirements, not less than ten (10) percent of the total lot area of the station shall be landscaped.
      (6)   Fifty (50) percent of the linear frontage or all of the frontage exclusive of the portions thereof used for driveway approaches, whichever is less, shall be landscaped. The landscaping shall be a combination of lawn and plant material.
      (7)   Where an automobile service station is located adjacent to a lot in a Residential or Office-Residential District, an effective screen with either a solid fence, solid wall, or dense living hedge not less than six (6) feet in height shall be provided along the common lot line.
      (8)   No visible appliance for any purpose other than fueling vehicles may be located within twenty (20) feet of the established right-of-way line, or within thirty-five (35) feet of any residential district, except where the appliance is within a building.
      (9)   On all corner lots, all vehicular entrances to or exits from, and curb openings, shall be set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the corner property lines extended or from the established right-of- way lines. All curb openings, whether on a corner lot or not, shall not exceed in width the City of Troy engineering standards. There shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet measured along the property line between any series of driveways. The City reserves the right to further limit the location, size and number of curb cuts in accordance with sound engineering practice and/or to address traffic safety concerns voiced by the Police Department.
   (b)   Automobile Washes. All automobile washes shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   The site plan shall provide for adequate stacking of vehicles both before washing and during the drying process.
      (2)   The facility shall be designed to prevent dripping of water from washed vehicles onto the street in quantities sufficient to form ice in freezing temperatures, or the facility shall be closed whenever there is a risk of significant icing. Techniques to avoid or minimize drippage onto the public street may include: lengthy exit drives, traffic "bumps," drains in exit drives, and automated blowers.
      (3)   Washing bays shall be oriented for the drive-through movement to be parallel to the street.
      (4)   The Zoning Administrator may require the applicant to submit a credible operational analysis assuring compliance with divisions (1) and (2) of this section.
   (c)   Automotive Repair Garage. All automobile repair garages shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   The entire operation of an automobile repair garage shall be within an enclosed building, and a solid masonry wall or its equivalent, shall be provided on the side of the structure adjacent to or across an alley from any residential district. Where an automobile repair garage is located adjacent to a Residential or Office- Residential District, an effective screen of either a solid fence, solid wall, or dense living hedge not less than six (6) feet in height shall be provided along the common lot line.
      (2)   The use of equipment that produces noise or waste products shall be confined to an enclosed structure, with suitable provisions to prevent the creation of a nuisance.