(a)   Minimum Lot Area for Dwellings. Notwithstanding the limitations imposed by other provisions of this Zoning Code, on a nonconforming lot which complies with Section 1147.02(a)(2) of this Zoning Code, the following may be erected:
      (1)   In the "A", "A-R", "R-1", "R-2", "R-3", "R-3-B", "R-4", and "R-5" Districts: One (1) single-family dwelling.
      (2)   In the "R-6" and "R-7" Districts:
         A.   On a lot with three thousand (3,000) square feet or less of area: One (1) single-family dwelling.
         B.   On a lot with more than three thousand (3,000) square feet of area but less than six thousand (6,000) square feet of area: One (1) single-family dwelling or one (1) two-family dwelling.
   (b)   Nonconforming Lot. A nonconforming lot is a lot consisting entirely of a tract of land that has less than the prescribed minimum lot area, width, depth, or combination thereof.
   (c)   Minimum Side Yards for Dwellings on Nonconforming Lots. When construction of a residential dwelling is permitted by paragraph (a) above, such dwelling shall comply with all regulations applicable to specific residential dwellings permitted and regulated in the district in which the lot in question is located. However, the following side yard requirements shall apply in place of the side yard requirements otherwise applicable:
      (1)   The sum of the widths of the two (2) side yards shall not be less than twenty (20) percent of the width of the lot; nor shall the width of either required side yard be less than ten (10) percent of the width of the lot.
      (2)   The width of any side yard that adjoins a public street shall not in any event be less than ten (10) feet.
   (d)   Assembly of Nonconforming Lots. Notwithstanding the previous provisions of this section, the assembly of a group of nonconforming lots and/or portions of nonconforming lots which are adjacent to each other is permissible and the parcel resulting from such assembly may be developed in accordance with the following:
      (1)   If the assembled parcel of land is still nonconforming as defined in Section 1147.02 (b) of this Zoning Code, then it shall be developed in accordance with Section 1147.02 (a) and (c) of this Zoning Code.
      (2)   If the assembled parcel of land is no longer nonconforming as defined in Section 1147.02 (b) of this Zoning Code, then it shall be developed in accordance with the applicable regulations of the zoning district which the parcel is located.
   (e)   Consistency with Established Pattern of Development. When the pattern of development in a block has been established, any development involving nonconforming vacant lots or portions of nonconforming vacant lots shall be consistent with the established pattern of development.
      (1)   Nonconforming vacant lots and/or portions of nonconforming vacant lots in the same ownership with adjacent developed or vacant lots shall not be sold separately from the adjacent lot and/or portion of lot, such that the resultant parcels conflict with the established pattern.
      (2)   This section shall not prohibit the sale or development of a parcel that has been in separate ownership from adjoining parcels continuously since the enactment of this Zoning Code, and such development shall comply with paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section.
   (f)    Lots that are part of a preliminary plan approval prior to a change to the underlying zoning of those lots shall be considered legally non-conforming as long as the preliminary plan is not modified to a degree requiring Planning Commission approval, abandoned or breached.