Only the following types of signs are permitted, subject to the limitations and requirements stated below and elsewhere in this chapter:
   (a)   Changeable Copy Signs. All changeable copy signs, permitted only for institutional use, shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Maximum Number. Only one (1) changeable copy sign shall be permitted per zoning lot.
      (2)   Manual Changeable Copy Signs. All manual changeable copy signs within six (6) feet of grade level shall be enclosed and locked securely in clear glass or plastic casing.
      (3)   Stand Alone Electronically Controlled Copy Signs. All electronically controlled changeable copy signs shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
         A.   Illumination. All electronically controlled changeable copy signs shall adhere to the illumination standards set forth in this Sign Code.
         B.   Height of Message Characters. The height of each character on an electronically controlled changeable copy sign shall not exceed eighteen (18) inches.
         C.   Message Display. All electronically controlled changeable copy signs shall have each message appear for no less than twenty (20) seconds.
         D.   Illusion of Movement Prohibited. All electronically controlled changeable copy signs must show the entire message at one time without displaying characters that are scrolling, moving, or exhibit the illusion of movement.
         E.   Maximum Area. Each square foot of sign area shall decrease the maximum allowable sign area by four (4) square feet per sign face.
         F.   Scoreboards. Electronically controlled changeable copy signs are permitted on scoreboards at sports facilities.
         G.   In no case shall electronically controlled changeable copy signs be greater than 50 square feet per sign face.
      (4)   Business Identification Signs with Integrated Electronically Controlled Changeable Copy Signs. Freestanding Business Identification signs may have an electronically controlled changeable copy sign as part of the sign without a decrease in maximum allowable sign area, as in subsection (a)(3)E. above. However, the electronically controlled changeable copy sign shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
         (Ord. 7-2009. Passed 2-2-09.)
         A.   Illumination. Undue brightness is prohibited. For the purpose of enforcing this provision, "undue brightness" will be construed to mean illumination of a white portion of the sign in excess of the intensity levels: Day: 5,000 nits, Night: 1,000 nits.
            To ensure compliance with this provision, the sign must have an automatic phased proportional dimmer, which must be used to reduce nighttime brightness levels (compared to daytime brightness levels). Further, prior to the issuance of a permit for an electronic changeable copy sign, the applicant shall provide written certification from the sign manufacturer that the light intensity has been factory pre-set not to exceed the levels specified above, and the intensity level is protected from end-user manipulation by password-protected software or other method as deemed appropriate by the Zoning Administrator. (Ord. 30-2014. Passed 10-6-14.)
         B.   Illusion of Movement Prohibited. All electronically controlled changeable copy signs must show the entire message at one time without displaying characters that are scrolling, moving, or exhibit the illusion of movement.
         C.   Length of Message Display. All electronically controlled changeable copy signs shall have each message appear for no less than twenty (20) seconds.
         D.   Overall Sign Integration. All electronically controlled changeable copy signs shall be integrated with a larger identification sign and shall be located at the bottom of said sign.
         E.   The electronically controlled changeable copy sign component of a sign may comprise no more than fifty percent (50%) of the sign's total sign face area.
   (b)   Construction Signs. Temporary construction signs shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   Number. Only one (1) construction sign shall be permitted per zoning lot on each street and/or limited access highway frontage.
      (2)   Maximum Area per Face. Construction signs shall be limited to a total of eight (8) square feet.
      (3)   Illumination. No temporary construction sign shall be illuminated.
      (4)   Duration. All construction signs shall be removed within fourteen (14) days of the beginning of the intended use or completion of the construction project, whichever is sooner.
   (c)   Directional Signs. All directional signs shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Number. Not more than one (1) directional enter sign and one (1) directional exit sign shall be permitted for each permitted access to a public right-of-way.
      (2)   Setback. No part of any directional sign shall be located within the public right-of-way nor set back less than three (3) feet from any property line.
      (3)   Maximum Height. The maximum height of any directional sign shall be no more than four (4) feet. In no case shall such directional sign constitute a visual obstruction to adequate sight distance.
      (4)   Maximum Area. The maximum area of any directional sign shall be eight (8) square feet.
   (d)   Institutional Signs. All freestanding institutional signs, shall be ground signs and shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Number. One (1) institutional sign shall be permitted for each institutional property.
      (2)   Setback. A minimum setback of ten (10) feet from any public right-of-way shall be maintained.
      (3)   Maximum Height. The maximum height for institutional signs is six (6) feet.
      (4)   Sign Area. The maximum sign area permitted for institutional signs is forty-eight (48) square feet with a maximum of twenty-four (24) square feet per face.
   (e)   Real Estate Signs. Real estate signs shall be allowed in accordance with the following standards:
      (1)   Duration. Real estate signs shall be removed within seven (7) days after closing the sale.
      (2)   Size. Real estate signs shall not have any sign face in excess of eight (8) square feet.
      (3)   Height. No real estate sign shall exceed five (5) feet in height.
      (4)   Setback. Real estate signs shall not be placed within ten (10) feet of any public right-of-way.
      (5)   Number. A maximum of one (1) real estate sign shall be permitted on any property at any point in time.
      (6)   Acceptable. Signs meeting the requirement of Section 749.13 (e)(2) and (3) of this Sign Code will not require a permit.
   (f)   Subdivision Identification Signs. Residential subdivision identification signs shall be in accordance with the following standards:
      (1)   Number. One (1) ground subdivision identification sign shall be permitted at each entry to a subdivision along an arterial or collector thoroughfare.
      (2)   Maximum Area. The maximum sign area for any subdivision identification sign shall be twenty-four (24) square feet per sign face.
      (3)   Maximum Height. The maximum sign height for any subdivision identification sign shall be eight (8) feet.
      (4)   Minimum Setback. No subdivision identification sign shall be set back from any public right-of-way less than ten (10) feet.
   (g)   Building Signs. The total of all attached building signs shall not exceed in the aggregate the following:
Total Sign Area
Building Type
Building Setback
Building Frontage
3 sq. ft.
3 sq. ft.
6 sq. ft.
6 sq. ft.
Multi-Family w/Separate Entrances
6 sq. ft. each entrance
6 sq. ft. each entrance
Multi-Family w/Common Entrance
12 sq. ft.
12 sq. ft.
Educational Institution
Less than 100 feet
Less than 250 feet
1.5 sq. ft./linear foot of building frontage
100 sq. ft.
100 - 300'
Less than 250 feet
3.0 sq. ft./linear foot of building frontage
200 sq. ft.
Over 300'
250 - 500'
3.0 sq. ft./linear foot of building frontage
300 sq. ft.
Over 300'
Over 500'
3.0 sq. ft./linear foot of building frontage
400 sq. ft.
(Ord. 7-2009. Passed 2-2-09.)