Only the following types of signs are permitted, subject to the limitations and requirements stated below and elsewhere in this chapter:
   (a)   Awning Signs. All awning signs shall be affixed flat to the surface thereof and not extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of the awning. The sign area of awning signs shall be counted towards the maximum sign area allowed for building signs.
   (b)   Canopy Signs. All canopy signs shall be affixed flat to the surface thereof and shall not extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of the canopy. The sign area of awning signs shall be counted towards the maximum sign area allowed for building signs.
   (c)   Development Identification Signs. All development identification signs shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Maximum Number. Only one (1) center identification sign shall be permitted per street frontage for any property. If a development identification sign is installed on a parcel, no additional ground signs or freeway-oriented signs shall be permitted.
      (2)   Required Setback. No part of any development identification sign shall be set back less than ten (10) feet from a public right-of-way nor set back less than twenty (20) feet from any other property line.
      (3)   Maximum Height. The maximum height of any center identification sign shall be no more than eight (8) feet in height.
      (4)   Maximum Area. The maximum area of any center identification sign shall be one-half (½) square foot per lineal foot of lot frontage, but not more than one hundred fifty (150) square feet per face.
   (d)   Changeable Copy Signs. All changeable copy signs, where permitted, shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Maximum Number. Only one (1) changeable copy sign shall be permitted per zoning lot.
      (2)   Manual Changeable Copy Signs. All manual changeable copy signs within six (6) feet of grade level shall be enclosed and locked securely in clear glass or plastic casing. All manual changeable copy signs shall conform to the requirements listed in this section.
      (3)   Stand Alone Electronically Controlled Copy Signs. All stand alone electronically controlled changeable copy signs shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
         A.   Illumination. All electronically controlled changeable copy signs shall adhere to the illumination standards set forth in this Sign Code.
         B.   Height of Message Characters. The height of each character on an electronically controlled changeable copy sign shall not exceed eighteen (18) inches.
         C.   Message Display. All electronically controlled changeable copy signs shall have each message appear for no less than twenty (20) seconds.
         D.   Illusion of Movement Prohibited. All electronically controlled changeable copy signs must show the entire message at one time without displaying characters that are scrolling, moving, or exhibit the illusion of movement.
         E.   Maximum Area. Each square foot of sign area shall decrease the maximum allowable sign area by four (4) square feet per sign face.
         F.   Scoreboards. Electronically controlled changeable copy signs are permitted on scoreboards at sports facilities.
         G.   In no case shall electronically controlled changeable copy signs be greater than 50 (fifty) square feet per sign face.
   (e)   Construction Signs. Temporary construction signs shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   Number. Only one (1) construction sign shall be permitted per zoning lot on each street and/or limited access highway frontage.
      (2)   Maximum Area per Face. Construction signs shall be limited to a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet.
      (3)   Maximum Height. Construction signs shall not exceed more than twelve (12) feet in height.
      (4)   Setback. No part of a construction sign shall be set back less than ten (10) feet from a public right-of-way nor from any property line.
      (5)   Illumination. No construction sign shall be illuminated.
      (6)   Duration. All construction signs shall be removed within fourteen (14) days of the beginning of the intended use or completion of the construction project, whichever is sooner.
   (f)   Directional Signs. All directional signs shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Number. Not more than one (1) directional enter sign and one (1) directional exit sign shall be permitted for each permitted access to a public right-of-way.
      (2)   Setback. No part of any directional sign shall be located within the public right-of-way nor set back less than three (3) feet from any property line.
      (3)   Maximum Height. The maximum height of any directional sign shall be no more than four (4) feet. In no case shall such directional sign constitute a visual obstruction to adequate sight distance.
      (4)   Maximum Area. The maximum area of any directional sign shall be eight (8) square feet.
   (g)   Drive-Through Signs. All drive-through signs shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Maximum Number. Only two (2) drive-through signs shall be permitted per building that has a drive-through facility.
      (2)   Required Setback. No part of any drive-through sign shall be set back less than twenty (20) feet from a public right-of-way nor from any property line.
      (3)   Maximum Height. The maximum height of any drive-through sign shall be no more than ten (10) feet.
      (4)   Maximum Area. The maximum area of any drive-through sign shall be eight (8) square feet per face.
      (5)   Compliance with Noise and Illumination Standards. All drive-through signs shall conform to the noise and illumination standards set forth in the Sign Code.
      (6)   Required Separation. Drive-through signs shall be spaced at least twenty (20) feet from any other drive-through sign, and shall not be simultaneously legible from any point except from the intersection of the lot lines adjacent to the signs.
   (h)   Ground Signs. All ground signs shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Maximum Number. Only one (1) ground sign shall be permitted for any property. If a ground sign is installed on a parcel, no additional development identification signs shall be permitted.
      (2)   Required Setback. No part of any ground sign shall be set back less than ten (10) feet from a public right-of-way nor set back less than twenty (20) feet from any other property line.
      (3)   Maximum Height. The maximum height of any ground shall be no more than eight (8) feet in height.
      (4)   Maximum Area. The maximum area of any ground sign shall be one- half (½) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage, but not more than one hundred (100) square feet per face.
      (5)   Minor Variations to Required Street Frontage Spacing. The Zoning Administrator may permit up to a 5% variation in the street frontage spacing requirements for freestanding ground signs if conflict with driveways, natural barriers, trees, and utility equipment is unavoidable.
      (6)   Landscaping Required For Permanent Ground Signs. The base of all permanent ground signs shall be completely surrounded by a single continuous area effectively landscaped in accordance with the following standards and maintained in good condition at all times:
         A.   Edge. The edge of such required landscaped area shall be a minimum of thirty (30) inches from the edge of the sign or any edge of the sign structure.
         B.   Curb. Where the required landscaped area adjoins a paved surface accessible to vehicular traffic, a raised concrete curb suitable to prevent the encroachment of vehicles shall be required. The minimum horizontal distance between the face of any required curb and any part of such sign shall be thirty (30) inches.
         C.   Living Plantings Required. All permanent ground signs shall incorporate a minimum of two (2) square feet of landscaping for each linear foot of sign length around the base of the sign. Landscaping may include a mix of natural non-living elements such as boulders, fountains or water features and or mulch of bark with a minimum of 25% of the ground level containing a live ground cover not including grass. Mature plant height should not block the sign message or obstruct the sightlines of motorist or pedestrians.
   (i)   Fuel Pump Signs. A maximum of two (2) square feet of sign area shall be permitted on each of the two (2) sides of each fuel-dispensing unit containing one (1) or more fuel dispensing nozzles. This restriction does not apply to any sign required by law.
   (j)   Projecting Signs. All projecting signs shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   Number. One (1) projecting sign shall be permitted per principal structure.
      (2)   Height above Grade. The bottom of a projecting sign may not be less than ten (10) feet above grade.
      (3)   Horizontal Projection. A projecting sign may project horizontally from a building or structure as shown below:
Height of Base of
Above Grade
10' to less than 15'
6.5 feet
15' to less than 20'
8.5 feet
20' to less than 25'
9.0 feet
25' to less than 30'
9.5 feet
30' and over
10 feet
      (4)   Projection into Right-of-Way. At no time shall any sign project into any public right-of-way in an industrial sign district.
      (5)   Height above Wall or Parapet. No projecting sign shall extend above the wall or parapet of any building to which it is affixed.
      (6)   The sign area of projecting signs shall be counted towards the maximum sign area allowed for building signs.
   (j)   Real Estate Signs. Real estate signs shall be allowed in accordance with the following standards:
      (1)   Duration. Real estate signs shall be removed within seven (7) days after closing the sale.
      (2)   Size. Real estate signs shall not have any sign face in excess of thirty-two (32) square feet.
      (3)   Height. No real estate sign shall exceed twelve (12) feet in height.
      (4)   Setback. Real estate signs shall not be placed within ten (10) feet of any public right-of-way.
      (5)   Number. A maximum of one (1) real estate sign shall be permitted on any property at any point in time. However, an additional real estate sign may be placed on a corner lot in an industrial zoning district.
      (6)   Acceptable. Signs meeting the requirement of Section 749.10(j)(2) and (3) will not require a permit.
   (k)   Roof Signs. Roof signs, shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Integration within Roof Design. Roof signs shall be designed as an integral or essentially integral part of a normal roof structure and shall not extend vertically above the highest portion of the roof.
      (2)   The sign area of roof signs shall be counted towards the maximum sign area allowed for building signs.
   (l)   Wall Signs. Wall signs shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Painted Wall Signs. Wall signs shall not be painted directly on a building or wall.
      (2)   Depth from Wall Surface. Wall signs shall not extend more than twelve (12) inches from the wall of the structure upon which it is mounted.
      (3)   Vertical Inclination. Wall signs may be inclined from the vertical only to the extent necessary for conformity to the general contour of the wall, around projections or ornamental features. However, no part of such sign, except the thickness thereof, shall extend beyond the lines of said projection in any direction.
      (4)   Extension beyond Ends of Wall Surface. No wall sign shall extend beyond the ends of the wall on which it is attached.
      (5)   Extension above Wall Surface. A wall sign shall not extend above the top of the wall upon which it is mounted.
      (6)   The sign area of wall signs shall be counted towards the maximum sign area allowed for building signs.
   (m)   Window Signs. Window signs shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Maximum Permanent Sign Coverage. No more than fifty (50) percent of any window panel shall be covered by permanent or temporary window signs.
      (2)   Neon Signs. Where permitted, neon signs may be used as permanent window signs.
      (3)   The sign area of permanent window signs shall be counted towards the maximum sign area allowed for building signs.
   (n)   Building Signs. Attached building signs shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Size. The total area of all attached building signs shall not exceed in the aggregate three (3) square feet of area for each linear foot of primary building frontage and two (2) square feet of area for each linear foot of secondary building frontage. However, a total maximum of five hundred (500) square feet of building signs shall be allowed for each principal building.
      (2)   In multi-tenant buildings, each individual business will have its maximum allowable sign area calculated separately based on the amount of building frontage they occupy.
   (o)   Subdivision Identification Signs. Industrial subdivision identification signs shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   Number. One (1) ground subdivision identification sign shall be permitted at each entry to a subdivision along an arterial or collector thoroughfare.
      (2)   Maximum Area. The maximum sign area for any subdivision identification sign shall be twenty-four (24) square feet per sign face.
      (3)   Maximum Height. The maximum sign height for any subdivision identification sign shall be eight (8) feet.
      (4)   Minimum Setback. No subdivision identification sign shall be set back from any public right-of-way less than ten (10) feet.
         (Ord. 7-2009. Passed 2-2-09.)