General Provisions
98.001 Supervision by Superintendent of Public Works
98.002 Specifications for streets and sidewalks
98.003 Repair of streets, sidewalks and the like
98.004 Defects
98.005 Defective or dangerous sidewalks
98.006 Sidewalks to be kept free of snow and ice
98.007 Alleys and gutters to be cleaned
98.008 Cellar doors, openings and the like in sidewalks
98.009 Barricades
Prohibited Acts
98.020 Injury to new pavements
98.021 Obstructions
98.022 Disturbing barricades
98.023 Display or sale of goods on public property
98.024 Deposit of materials on public property
98.025 Obstruction of drains prohibited
98.026 Erection or maintenance of poles or wires
98.027 Erection or maintenance of gas pump
98.028 Playing games on streets or sidewalks
98.029 Barbed wire fences
98.030 Mailboxes and newspaper receptacles
98.031 Alteration of right-of-way
Construction of Utility Facilities in the Rights-of-Way
98.045 Adoption, purpose and scope
98.046 Definitions
98.047 Annual registration required
98.048 Permit required; applications and fees
98.049 Action on permit applications
98.050 Effect of permit
98.051 Revised permit drawings
98.052 Insurance
98.053 Indemnification
98.054 Security
98.055 Permit suspension and revocation
98.056 Change of ownership, identity or legal status
98.057 General construction standards
98.058 Traffic control
98.059 Location of facilities
98.060 Construction methods and materials
98.061 Vegetation control
98.062 Removal, relocation or modification
98.063 Clean-up and restoration
98.064 Maintenance and emergency maintenance
98.065 Variances
98.066 Violation
98.067 Enforcement
98.080 Permit required
98.081 Fee
98.082 Grade surface
98.083 Construction standards
98.084 Repair
98.999 Penalty