A.   Application And Fees:
      1.   The application form for each specific action may be obtained from the city. All applications must include an accurate legal description of the land included in the application, and a site plan of affected and immediately adjacent properties.
      2.   Each application must be accompanied by the applicable fee payment. A fee schedule for each type of application is maintained by the city and is available at the city offices.
   B.   Title Report: A title report must be prepared by a title company or other entity bonded to ensure the accuracy of the title information.
   C.   Vicinity Map: A map showing the project location relative to the city. The map may be at any legible scale, and may be an inset on another plan or drawing (e.g., existing conditions plan). It should show the city boundaries, major roads (e.g., Highway 17) and minor roads that serve the property.
   D.   Development Report; Statement Of Intent:
      1.   The name and location of the property and applicant;
      2.   If the applicant is represented by an agent, a statement from the applicant authorizing the agent to act;
      3.   The name and address of the person, firm or organization preparing the application and a statement indicating the record owner's permission to submit the application;
      4.   An explanation of the purpose of the proposed action and proposed land use, including building descriptions, variations in building setbacks, parking, height or other requirements that are being sought;
      5.   A development schedule indicating the approximate date the development or stages of the development with expected completion dates;
      6.   Assessment of the availability and capacity of public infrastructure (utilities, roads) to serve the proposed use;
      7.   Any special agreements, conveyances, restrictions or covenants, which will govern the use, maintenance and continued protection of the development and any of its common areas.
   E.   Development Agreement: A document signed by the applicant prior to approval of final plat or building permit that memorializes the obligations, commitments and representations made by the proponent in review meetings, as well as any conditions of approval. The development agreement may include or substitute for a security agreement insofar as it contains commitments to site improvements secured by a bond or other form of security. All minutes of public review sessions are incorporated into the development agreement by reference.
   F.   Soil/Geology Report:
      1.   A detailed soil/geology report is required during the preliminary consideration of all building permits and subdivision plats. It shall be based upon adequate test borings, excavations and geologic evaluations prepared by a geological/engineering firm specializing in soil mechanics and licensed by the state. Excavations and/or borings shall be located on or near the proposed building site. Reduced cost shall not be justification for more distant convenient locations.
      2.   Additional soil/geologic investigation may be required if the report indicates the presence of conditions that, if not corrected or adequately addressed through design, could lead to structural damage or premature deterioration or subsidence of the building or damage to surrounding improvements, whether public or private, or damage to surrounding lots. Such conditions may include, but not be limited to:
         a.   Expansive soils.
         b.   High water table.
         c.   Soluble mineral veins.
         d.   Slope instability.
         e.   Buried slides.
         f.   Buried stream channels.
         g.   Fault zones.
      3.   The investigation shall include visual appraisal of adjacent lots for surface geologic/topographic conditions, which could threaten the proposed building site. The soil/geologic report shall also:
         a.   Recommend corrective action or building design specifications intended to prevent potential dangers found in the investigation;
         b.   State whether the site is buildable or unbuildable because of any potentially threatening conditions which are not economically or technically correctable or avoidable by currently known building practices and codes. (One such example would be the existence of an active or inactive deeply buried landslide.)
   G.   Covenants, Conditions And Restrictions: Covenants, conditions and restrictions (CCRs) shall be required for all subdivisions. CCRs shall include by reference the landscaping requirements outlined in this title and the minimum design guidelines and standards as adopted by the city council by resolution and may also include other conditions or restrictions as determined by the subdivider. Two (2) copies of the CCRs shall be submitted with the final plat.
   H.   Security Agreement: Prior to approval of final plat or occupancy permit, as required under chapter 5, "Enforcement", of this title, the applicant shall enter into a security agreement that memorializes the terms and type of security (such as a bond, letter of credit or escrow account) to guarantee the timely completion of site improvements that are the obligation of the applicant.
   I.   Verification Of State Registration: Proof of Utah department of commerce, division of real estate registration and full compliance with the provisions of Utah Code Annotated section 57-11-1 et seq., as amended, the Utah land sales practices act.
   J.   Public Offering Statement: A public offering statement shall be in full compliance with Utah Code Annotated section 57-11-7.
   K.   Descriptions Of Key Plan/Drawing Contents (Section 10-6-1, Table 3 Of This Chapter):
      1.   Site Boundaries With Dimensions: Show on all plans the property boundaries, accurately depicted on a sheet at least twenty four inches by thirty six inches (24" x 36") with bearings and distances based on a recorded plat. Include a copy of the recorded plat with other submittals.
      2.   Boundaries Of Protection Areas: Show official boundaries of wetlands (as per U.S. army corps of engineers), floodplains (100-year, as per U.S. FEMA maps, or engineering calculations), and spring and well protection areas (as determined by the city engineer).
      3.   Existing And Proposed Topography: Show contours at not more than two foot (2') intervals for areas of less than ten percent (10%) slope and not more than five foot (5') intervals for areas over ten percent (10%) slope. Such contours shall be based on county data when available. The closest city survey monument shall be used and its location/elevation noted. Clearly designate the following slope categories:
         a.   Zero to ten percent (10%) slopes;
         b.   Eleven (11) to twenty five percent (25%) slopes;
         c.   Twenty six (26) to thirty nine percent (39%) slopes;
         d.   Forty percent (40%) and greater slopes.
      4.   Existing Conditions (Vegetation, Roads, Utilities, Buildings, Etc.): In addition to showing existing conditions on the property, also show conditions immediately adjacent to the property, as well as the location of any improvements that may be required to be constructed beyond the boundaries of the subdivision.
      5.   Calculations Of Site Data: Include the following data, in table form, on the proposed site plan:
         a.   Number of units;
         b.   Number of bedrooms;
         c.   Parking spaces required;
         d.   Parking spaces provided;
         e.   Ground coverage (calculate area).
      6.   Detailed Landscape Plan: Show all landscaped areas; include plans for walls, patios, fences, trees and other vegetation.
      7.   Preliminary Construction Plans:
         a.   Site plans showing footprints of all structures and paved surfaces;
         b.   Sections through the structure(s) and the site, with maximum heights noted;
         c.   Preliminary elevations (exterior views of the building).
      8.   Final Construction Plans/Residential: See requirements on section 10-6-1, tables 2 and 3 of this chapter, together with requirements outlined under subsection 10-18A-4A of this title. The review and approval of building plans by the planning and zoning administrator and the city engineer shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of any building permit.
      9.   Final Construction Plans/Commercial:
         a.   Site plans;
         b.   Exterior elevations showing vertical dimensions, exterior finishing materials, roof slope and covering materials, and exterior grades;
         c.   Architectural renderings;
         d.   Samples of materials, color and textures (to demonstrate compliance with the city design guidelines);
         e.   Complete/final building plans shall be reviewed by building official and final approval shall be a condition precedent to issuance of any building permit.
      10.   Final Plat Data:
         a.   Calculation and traverse sheets giving bearings, distances and coordinates of the boundary of the subdivision and blocks and lots as shown on the final plat;
         b.   Design data, assumptions and computation in accordance with sound engineering practice, along with plan, section and profile sheets for all public improvements;
         c.   Current title report;
         d.   Covenants, conditions and restrictions (if any);
         e.   Details of all exterior masonry or concrete walls, including elevations, textures, color and materials;
         f.   The words "Street", "Avenue", "Road", "Place", "Drive", "Court", or other designation of any street, shall be spelled out in full on the plat and shall be subject to approval by the city council.
   L.   Additional Visual Information: The city, at its discretion, may require applicants to provide other documents, studies and visual aids to assist with comprehension of the residual impact upon the city of the proposed use or development. Said additional information may include, but not be limited to, three-dimensional imaging of proposed projects, additional photographs, digital renderings and/or drawings to scale of buildings, structures from angles other than those submitted or from perspectives, which include existing cityscapes, buildings or natural features.
   M.   Additional Drainage/Floodplain Data: If the application relates to property located within or near a floodway, floodplain, flow zone, erosion boundary and/or meander zone, as those terms are defined by the federal emergency management agency (FEMA) or any other federal or state agency, the city, at its discretion, may require applicants to provide the city with detailed drainage, erosion control and flood protection plans, as well as detailed elevations showing the height of proposed building pads or other structures above established or periodic drainage areas/ravines. (Ord. 2012.04, 1-18-2012; amd. 2014 Code)