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Tool, TX, Texas Code of Ordinances
   Site plans involving any new development or construction may be required to have site plan approval from the City Council. Final City Council approval of site plans, if required, must be achieved prior to issuance of any building permit.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000; Ord. 2006-0921, passed 9-21-2006)
   The site plan approval provisions contained herein shall apply to the following uses:
   (A)   All multiple-family dwellings in excess of ten units;
   (B)   All manufactured home parks and recreational vehicle parks; and
   (C)   All commercial and industrial development of one acre or more.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
   The City Council shall consider the following when reviewing site plans:
   (A)   General character and compatibility (internally or with surrounding areas) in terms of housing types, yard depths, ground coverage, tree cover, surface drainage, density (in residential developments);
   (B)   The least possible detrimental impact to the site and surrounding areas, substantial depreciation of property values, or reduction to the safety, light or general convenience of neighboring developments;
   (C)   Ingress to and egress from property and internal circulation, including access of service and emergency vehicles and design of off-street parking and loading areas;
   (D)   The location and arrangement of all buildings and structures with regard to setback requirements and special consideration given to aspects such as visual form, sociability and personal safety with regard to police and fire protection;
   (E)   Environmental aspects with regard to sedimentation, drainage, and flood control and preservation of natural greenery on the site;
   (F)   Utilities, with regard to availability and suitability for the use intended, and consideration of hook-up and service locations, including fire hydrants;
   (G)   Screening, buffering and landscaping with regard to the type and dimensions, to preserve the character of surrounding areas and to provide privacy for the site in question; and
   (H)   Recreation and open space with attention to the location, size, and development of the areas with regard to their usability, adequacy and their relationship to community-wide open spaces and recreation facilities (for residential developments).
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000; Ord. 2006-0921, passed 9-21-2006)
   The following process shall be utilized to obtain approval of site plans.
   (A)   Pre-site plan review conference. The applicant for site plan review shall meet with the Building Inspector to discuss basic site plan
procedures and requirements to consider the elements of the site in question and to the proposed development.
   (B)   Administrative processing.
      (1)   Building Inspector review. Following the pre-site plan review conference, a site plan may be filed with the Building Inspector. The applicant shall submit five copies of the material as indicated in § 155.275. The material will be distributed to various departments or offices for review and comment relative to their specialty or concern. The comments and recommendations from the various departments and offices will be collected and compiled by the Building Inspector and the site plan with all comments and recommendations will be presented to the City Council for its consideration.
      (2)   City Council review. The City Council shall consider the site plan and determine whether it meets the intent of this subchapter. The City Council shall have 45 days after receiving the plan in which to review and either approve or disapprove the site plan as submitted to them.
   (C)   Building permit procedures. Site plan approval, as granted by the City Council, shall be effective for a period of six months unless otherwise specified at the time of approval. A building permit must be applied for within this period or the site plan is null and void, unless the City Council grants an extension. An extension for additional time, not to exceed an additional six months may be granted at the discretion the City Council upon formal request. A building permit may be issued for construction of the development as exactly shown on the final approved site plan. No changes, alterations or modifications to the approved site plan shall occur unless a final site plan amendment is approved.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000; Ord. 2006-0921, passed 9-21-2006)
   If a site plan is required, the applicant must submit five copies of the following required materials and information for site plan review:
   (A)   A legal description of the property under review for site plan approval;
   (B)   Site conditions information, including:
      (1)   A topographic map of the site at a scale not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet, showing two-foot contours;
      (2)   Soil type and evaluation for entire site, including consistency, texture, percolation capacity, bearing strength, shrink/swell potential and the like; and
      (3)   Means or methods of controlling sedimentation.
   (C)   A site conditions map at a scale not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet, showing:
      (1)   The relationship of the site to such external facilities as streets, residential areas, commercial facilities and recreation/open space areas;
      (2)   The exact location of all existing public streets, rights-of-way, easements and other reservations of land in the area of the property in question and adjacent properties in the same frontage, indicating the locations of buildings and structures on such adjacent properties, means of ingress and egress to such properties, off-street parking, loading and service areas, if any, for or on such properties, and any screening or buffering on such properties and the nature and type thereof;
      (3)   The exact location, size and capacity of all existing utilities, including existing fire hydrant locations; and
      (4)   The exact location of all water holding or carrying facilities, natural or man-made, including creeks, ponds, sinkholes, ditches, culverts and storm sewers.
   (D)   A site development plan at a scale not smaller than one inch equals 60 feet, showing:
      (1)   The name of the planner, architect or designer who prepared the plans, the name of the developer, the name of the proposed development and a north arrow and date;
      (2)   The exact location of all proposed streets, driveways or other facilities designed to accommodate vehicular movement in the development, points of ingress and egress, parking areas, including the exact number of spaces, and loading and service areas’ including the exact number of spaces, and loading and service areas (location of dumpsters) and a traffic impact analysis of projected trip generation for the development;
      (3)   The exact locations of all proposed buildings and structures to be included in the development:
         (a)   For commercial or industrial development, an indication of gross floor area of all buildings; and
         (b)   For residential development, an indication of the exact number of dwelling units broken down into sizes by number of bedrooms.
      (4)   The drainage pattern of the property, showing the drainage of all impervious surfaces (including roofs of buildings) and all green areas, including all control devices such as storm sewers and retention or detention facilities; and
      (5)   The percentage of the site that will be covered by structures and the percentage that will be covered by streets, drives, parking and loading areas.
   (E)   A development timetable if project is to be constructed in phases.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
   Changes, alterations or modifications to any finally approved site that involves construction, removal or relocation of a building or structure; redesign, or modification of the vehicular or pedestrian circulation system (including all points of access, drives, parking areas and walkways); modification of the drainage system, or relocation of any landscape area shall require approval of the City Council in accordance with the procedures described above.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000; Ord. 2006-0921, passed 9-21-2006)