The City Council shall consider the following when reviewing site plans:
   (A)   General character and compatibility (internally or with surrounding areas) in terms of housing types, yard depths, ground coverage, tree cover, surface drainage, density (in residential developments);
   (B)   The least possible detrimental impact to the site and surrounding areas, substantial depreciation of property values, or reduction to the safety, light or general convenience of neighboring developments;
   (C)   Ingress to and egress from property and internal circulation, including access of service and emergency vehicles and design of off-street parking and loading areas;
   (D)   The location and arrangement of all buildings and structures with regard to setback requirements and special consideration given to aspects such as visual form, sociability and personal safety with regard to police and fire protection;
   (E)   Environmental aspects with regard to sedimentation, drainage, and flood control and preservation of natural greenery on the site;
   (F)   Utilities, with regard to availability and suitability for the use intended, and consideration of hook-up and service locations, including fire hydrants;
   (G)   Screening, buffering and landscaping with regard to the type and dimensions, to preserve the character of surrounding areas and to provide privacy for the site in question; and
   (H)   Recreation and open space with attention to the location, size, and development of the areas with regard to their usability, adequacy and their relationship to community-wide open spaces and recreation facilities (for residential developments).
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000; Ord. 2006-0921, passed 9-21-2006)