The intent of this district is to provide for areas of the city on the outer edge of urbanized development in which urban usage is usually premature due to the lack of adequate utility service or transportation systems. It is likely that this district will be changed to more intense urban zoning districts as utility services can be feasibly extended and the undeveloped areas within existing service limits are used up or become in short supply. Uses within this district are mostly related to farming or semi-urban functions and are not necessarily compatible with higher density residential development.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
(A) Uses permitted by right: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses.
(B) Accessory structures permitted: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses.
(C) Uses permitted by specific use permit: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses.
(D) If a use is not permitted by right, as a permitted use or by special exception, it is not permitted for any reason.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
All principal and accessory structures shall be located and constructed in accordance with § 155.033 where it applies, as well as to the following requirements:
(A) Residential uses: see Appendix C, Area, Setback, Height and Coverage Regulations; and
(B) Accessory structures: see Appendix C, Area, Setback, Height and Coverage Regulations for Accessory Buildings.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
The intent of this district is to provide for very low density, single-family residential development of a relatively spacious character together with such public and semi-public buildings and facilities and accessory structures as may be necessary and are compatible with residential development of this nature. The provisions of this district are intended to protect and stabilize the essential characteristics of such existing development; to encourage such future development to occur on vacant land where the natural characteristics of such land are suitable for this type of development to occur where public facilities and services and other factors are available which are conducive to residential development of such densities; and to discourage any activities not compatible with such residential development.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)
(A) Uses permitted by right: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses.
(B) Accessory structures permitted: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses.
(C) Uses permitted by specific use permit: see Appendix A, Schedule of Uses.
(D) If a use is not permitted by right, as a permitted use or by special exception, it is not permitted for any reason.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)