   1.   Refer to application and worksheet.
   2.   A notice shall be placed on the preliminary plat stating "Preliminary Plat for Inspection Purposes Only. Not for Record Purposes."
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.800.01, passed 9-3-13; Am. Ord. 2014-12-488, passed 12-2-14; Am. Ord. 2016-09-597, passed 9-7-16)
   (A)   Preliminary plats, large scale developments, PUDS. Each preliminary plat must be submitted in accordance with applicable state statutes and shall include the following certificates.
      (1)   Certificate of Preliminary Survey Accuracy.
   I, ________________________, hereby certify that this plat correctly represents a boundary survey made by me and all monuments shown hereon actually exist and their location, size, type and material are correctly shown.
Date of Execution: __________________
Registered Land Surveyor
State of Arkansas Registration No. __________________
      (2)   Certificate of Preliminary Engineering Accuracy. Each set of street and drainage plans must be submitted in accordance with applicable state statutes and any plans and specifications required:
   I, ________________________, hereby certify that this plan correctly represents a plan prepared under my direction and engineering requirements of the Tontitown Subdivision Regulations have been complied with.
Date of Execution: ________________
Registered Engineer
State of Arkansas Registration No. __________
      (3)   Certificate of Preliminary Plat Approval.
This plat has been given preliminary plat approval only and has not been approved for recording purposes as a public record. This certificate shall expire on _________________ (date).
Date of Execution: _______________
Chairman, City of Tontitown Planning Commission
   (B)   Final plats, lot splits/property line adjustments.
      (1)   Certificate of Ownership.
   We the undersigned, owners of the real estate shown and described herein, do hereby certify that we have laid off, platted, and subdivided and do hereby lay off, plat, subdivide said real estate in accordance with this plat and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public the streets, alleys, drives, and easements as shown on said plat.
Date of Execution: ___________
Signed :_________________________________
Name & Address:
Source of Title: D.R. ________, Page ________
      (2)   Certificate of Surveying Accuracy.
   I, _____________________, hereby certify that this plat correctly represents a boundary survey made by me and boundary markers and lot corners shown hereon actually exist and their location, type and material are correctly shown and all minimum requirements of the Arkansas Minimum Standards for Land Surveyors have been met.
Date of Execution: _________________
Signed:   ___________________________
      Registered Land Surveyor
State of Arkansas Registration No. __________________
      (3)   Certificate of Approval.
   Pursuant to the City of Tontitown Subdivision Regulations and all other conditions and approvals having been completed, this document is hereby accepted. This Certificate is hereby executed under the authority of the said rules and regulations.
   This approval does not guarantee any of the following:
      1.   Delivery of public water or sewer service.
      2.   Delivery of any other utility service.
      3.   Improvements to any affected City Streets or County Roads.
      4.   Approval from the Arkansas Department of Health.
      5.   Access to the property via easements or otherwise either known or unknown.
Date of Execution: ____________
Signed:   ___________________________
      Chairman, Tontitown Planning Commission
Signed:   ___________________________
      Mayor, City of Tontitown
Signed:   ___________________________
      Clerk-Treasurer , City of Tontitown
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.800.02, passed 9-3-13; Am. Ord. 2016-09-597, passed 9-7-16; Am. Ord. 2017-02-616, passed 2-7-17; Am. Ord. 2017-04-631, passed 4-4-17)
§ 152.117 WAIVER.
   The applicant may request the Planning Commission waive any of the foregoing requirements. The Planning Commission may do this when, in their discretion, any such requirement is not necessary due to the nature of the proposed subdivision or large scale development. Such request for waiver must be documented in writing and sent to the Planning Commission. A pre-application conference can be arranged and is encouraged to review the proposed project requirements.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.800.03, passed 9-3-13)
   This subchapter is provided to establish minimum standards for surveying work performed for the development of subdivisions within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. This subchapter shall apply to all developments requiring the submittal of a preliminary or final plat to the Planning Commission or Planning Department for review and approval. All boundary surveys performed for the purpose of subdividing properties within the jurisdiction of the city shall conform to the “Arkansas Minimum Standards for Property Boundary Surveys and Plats” except where the standards contained within this chapter exceed those established by the state.
(Ord. 2006-12-280, passed 12-5-06; Am. Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.900.01, passed 9-3-13)
   (A)   Horizontal datum. The horizontal datum for all survey work performed shall be the Arkansas State Plane Coordinate System - north zone - NAD 83. All horizontal control work shall commence and end at a Tontitown GPS Monument Network monument or Tontitown GPS Monument Network first generation monument.
   (B)   Accuracy standard. Horizontal positions for all Tontitown GPS Monument Network monuments shall be determined to an accuracy standard equal to Urban Type A classification as defined by the Arkansas Minimum Standards for Property Boundary Surveys and Plats. All field techniques and procedures shall be compatible with the equipment utilized to insure that a true urban type A accuracy level is achieved.
   (C)   Data control form. Position and reference information shall be provided on a standard data control form for a minimum of two Tontitown GPS Monument Network monuments which shall be inter-visible with each other and submitted with the final plat. Forms may be obtained from the City of Tontitown Planning Department. These monuments will be included in the Tontitown GPS Monument Network if, after their review by the city, they are determined to be suitable for inclusion into the network.
   (D)   Interior corners. All interior corners of the subdivision (lot corners, street center line control points, etc.) shall be established and monumented to meet the minimum accuracy standards established by the Arkansas Minimum Standards for Property Boundary Surveys and Plats.
(Ord, 2006-12-280, passed 12-5-06; Am. Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.900.02, passed 9-3-13)
   (A)   Vertical datum. The vertical datum for all survey work performed shall be the North American Vertical Datum 1988 Adjustment (NAVD88). All vertical control work shall commence and end at Tontitown GPS Monument Network monument or Tontitown GPS Monument Network first generation monument.
   (B)   Accuracy standard. Elevations for all concrete monuments shall be determined to an accuracy standard equal to third order classification as defined by the Federal Geodetic Control Committee. All field techniques and procedures shall be compatible with the equipment utilized to insure that a true third order accuracy level is achieved.
(Ord. 2006-12-280, passed 12-5-06; Am. Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.900.03, passed 9-3-13)