The following items shall be completed prior to Planning Commission approval of the final plat.
(A) Streets.
(1) All curb and gutter and street drainage slopes completed and backfilled.
(2) Final layer of asphalt in-place.
(3) Street signs paid for.
(4) Pedestrian accommodations constructed.
(5) Road right-of-way restoration substantially complete.
(B) Sewer.
(1) All sewer lines constructed to grade.
(2) Mandrel and pressure tests complete.
(3) All manholes complete to required elevations and vacuum tested.
(4) Sewer services marked.
(5) Lift station site functionally complete.
(6) Tracer wires installed on force mains and gravity sewer lines and tested.
(7) Lift station alarm completed and monitorable.
(8) Draft final record drawings.
(C) Water.
(1) All water lines in-place, pressure tested, and bacterially tested safe.
(2) All hydrants and valves in-place, accessible, and operational (facing street).
(3) Meter tiles and setters in place.
(4) Tracer wires installed and tested.
(5) Draft of record drawings.
(6) Passing test results for all backflow devices provided.
(7) All backflow prevention devices installed properly and functional.
(D) Drainage.
(1) Drainage swales in place, sodded or concrete-lined, properly dedicated with erosion control measures in place.
(2) Detention/retention facilities to grade and draining properly.
(3) Outlet structures, pilot channels, headwalls, flumes, and other appurtenances in place and constructed to approved plans and specifications.
(4) Any needed off-site improvements or easements in place.
(5) Sodding of detention/retention ponds completed and established.
(6) Fencing of detention/retention ponds in place.
(7) Aeration facilities for retention ponds in place.
(8) All drainage inlets, outlets, and conduits in proper location and constructed to approved plans and specifications.
(9) Final layer of drainage paving in-place as required by approved plan, including parking lots.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.500.08, passed 9-3-13; Am. Ord. 2014-12-488, passed 12-2-14)
The following items do not need to be completed prior to Planning Commission approval of the final plat, provided that the requirements of § 152.030 have been met.
(A) Streets.
(1) Correction of final layer of pavement to the required thickness and density.
(2) Correction of low or ponding areas in street.
(3) Correction of unacceptable curb sections.
(4) Correction of damaged pedestrian accommodation sections.
(5) Approval of final record street drawings.
(B) Sewer.
(1) Cosmetic work.
(2) Final record drawings.
(C) Water.
(1) Painting hydrants with proper coding for fire flow rates.
(2) Hydrant markers installed.
(3) Adjusting meter tiles to grade.
(4) Adjusting meter setters.
(5) Adjusting valve stacks.
(6) Pouring concrete valve operator pads.
(7) Final record drawings.
(D) Drainage. Cosmetic work (finish grout, clean out boxes, pipes, and other appurtenances).
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.500.09, passed 9-3-13)
This section of the subdivision regulations is designed to expedite the platting and recording of minor subdivisions, lot splits and certain other dividing or adjustment of land area defined hereafter.
(B) For the purposes of these regulations, incidental subdivisions include the following:
(1) Lot split. A lot split in which a lot, located in an already existing recorded subdivision is divided into three lots or less, and where rights-of-way and/or utility easements are being dedicated to the city. A property cannot be divided into more than three separate tracts within a five year time period.
(2) Minor subdivision. A minor subdivision in which a lot, tract, or parcel is divided into three lots or less and does not require dedications, vacations, reservations, changes in alignment of easements or rights-of-way, or extensions of utilities. A property cannot be divided into more than three separate tracts within a five year time period.
(3) Property line adjustment. A property line adjustment in which a property line(s) is moved or relocated but does not create an additional lot. A property line adjustment may or may not dedicate rights-of-way and/or utility easements.
(4) Correction plat. A correction plat in which a correction to an existing plat is necessary due to an incorrect legal description or scrivener's errors. The correction plat does not change the boundaries, does not change the subdivision name and does not create new lots. The correction plat may or may not create new utility easements.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.600.01, passed 9-3-13; Am. Ord. 2014-12-488, passed 12-2-14; Am. Ord. 2020-10-903, passed 10-6-20; Am. Ord. 2022-04-988, passed 4-5-22)
(A) The application shall be submitted to the Planning Department for administrative review and approval, and shall consist of the following:
(1) Application. Completed and signed application form.
(2) Fee. Payment of the filing fee as specified in the application or schedule of fees.
(3) Survey. Survey of the property signed and sealed by a registered land surveyor with the state showing the information as required on the application.
(5) Deed. Copy of land deed showing ownership of property.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.600.02, passed 9-3-13; Am. Ord. 2015-07-530, passed 7-21-15)
(A) Review.
(1) Applicability. The Planning Department and City Engineer as needed shall review lot splits, minor subdivisions, property line adjustments and correction plats. All applications for waivers shall require approval of the Planning Commission.
(2) Action. The Planning Department shall approve with conditions, or disapprove said plat. After formal approval by the Department, a building permit can be issued after the applicant records the plat at the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk and provides the city with two copies. If the plans are approved with conditions, the conditions shall be set forth in written form to the owner/developer. The signature of the owner/developer on the form setting forth the conditions of approval shall be deemed his or her agreement to comply with said conditions, whereupon a building permit may be issued. If the plat is disapproved, the reasons for such action shall be provided in written form to the developer.
(3) Additional review. If the planning staff determines that there is a necessity of transmitting the plans to outside sources for additional comment or in-depth study, he or she shall notify the developer in writing within 30 days of receipt of plans that a decision will not be made within the 30-day time period, what the reasons are for the delay and the date at which a decision can be expected; the developer may be assessed additional engineering and professional review fees. If the developer objects to such an extension, the objection shall be heard as a priority item at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
(4) Approval signatures. All approvals to any plat shall be signified by the signature of the Planning Commission Chairman upon the development plan.
(B) Planning Commission action. The Planning Commission shall review any incidental subdivision after administrative review as set forth in division (A) within 120 days of receipt thereof, otherwise the incidental subdivision shall be deemed to have been approved. Approval of the incidental subdivision by the Planning Department shall not constitute the acceptance by the public of the dedication of any streets or other public ways or grounds.
(C) City Council action. Any incidental subdivision that dedicates street rights-of-way or easements shall be reviewed by the City Council.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.600.03, passed 9-3-13; Am. Ord. 2015-07-530, passed 7-21-15; Am. Ord. 2017-12-668, passed 12-5-17; Am. Ord. 2020-10-903, passed 10-6-20)