(A) There is created a commission of the City of Tontitown, to be known as the Tontitown Planning Commission which shall consist of not less than five members, of whom at least two-thirds shall not hold any other municipal office or appointment except as allowed by law.
(B) The Planning Commission shall have all the duties and functions authorized by state law at A.C. §§ 14-56-401 et seq., as amended, and the ordinances and regulations of the city.
(C) The members of the Planning Commission shall be named, appointed and confirmed by the City Council.
(D) The terms of the members of the Planning Commission shall be two years. However, the initial appointments to the Planning Commission shall be three members for two year terms and three members for a one year term. Thereafter as vacancies occur in the Commission, for whatever cause, the vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments, and the appointees shall hold office until expiration of the term which they were appointed to fill. All members of the Planning Commission whose terms may expire shall serve until their successors in office have been appointed and confirmed by the City Council.
(E) The time for the regular meetings of the Planning Commission shall be as designated in the Planning Commission bylaws. The members of the Planning Commission shall organize and elect a chairman and other officers from among the members in accordance with adopted bylaws. The chairman and other officers shall be authorized to sign plats and other instruments duly approved and authorized by the Planning Commission.
(F) Compensation. The Planning Commission shall receive compensation for attendance at regular Planning Commission meetings, special Planning Commission meetings and Planning Commission workshops at a rate which shall generally equal one-half the compensation for the City Council per related meeting as set forth in § 30.02
(C) of the Tontitown Municipal Code and as specified herein below. Specifically, regular Planning Commission meetings shall be compensated at the rate of one-half of the total monthly compensation set for the City Council for both the regular City Council meeting and the City Council Committee of the Whole meeting, together as outlined in § 30.02(C), in a single month. Further, a special Planning Commission meeting or a Planning Commission work session shall be compensated at the rate of one-half of the current compensation set for the City Council for a special City Council meeting in § 30.02(C).
(G) Removal of Planning Commissioners. By a vote of two-thirds of the City Council, any Planning Commissioner may be removed from office for cause. Cause shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Chronic discourteous behavior to other Commissioners, staff or members of the public;
(2) Ongoing lack of familiarity with staff prepared material; and
(3) Chronic absences from regular Planning Commission meetings or work sessions.
(Ord. 57, passed 1-7-75; Am. Ord. 2005-3-206, passed 3-15-05; Am. Ord. 2005-10-230, passed 10-4-05; Am. Ord. 2006-10-274, passed 10-3-06; Am. Ord. 2013-02-408, passed 2-5-13; Am. Ord. 2015-11-555, passed 11-3-15; Am. Ord. 2015-12-562, passed 12-1-15; Am. Ord. 2021-01-916, passed 1-19-21; Am. Ord. 2021-03-927, passed 3-2-21; Am. Ord. 2022-08-1003, passed 8-16-22)
(A) A Museum Commission for the City of Tontitown is hereby established.
(B) The Commission shall consist of not less than 5 members nor more than 15.
(C) Members of the Commission shall be named and appointed by the Mayor and his or her appointments will be valid and effective upon confirmation by the City Council.
(D) Members of the Museum Commission shall not receive compensation for their services, except that members may recover costs and expenses in the event they are required to travel pursuant to business related to the museum.
(E) The Commission shall enact bylaws for its operation and shall report from time to time to the City Council regarding its projects, budgets and overall operation.
(Ord. 167, passed 3-6-03; Am. Ord. 179, passed 5-4-04)